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Everything posted by TimeWizud

  1. I've had so much fun with this mod alone (and stuff like Kerbal engineer). Thank you.
  2. Not sure if someone has mentioned this, but stock docking ports added to the hub either slide out of place or disappear altogether. They did this for me after a few years in time acceleration. When the time came to send up my landers in time for the transfer window, there was nothing to dock to. I only have the Outer Solar System Mod installed.
  3. It'll have to wait for the "config" stage of development, but this is exactly the role I envision for this shuttle. There will be lots of room for TAC Life Support supplies so you can keep your space stations running. I also plan on allowing it to carry 12 Kerbals so you can rotate your crews if that ever becomes a real thing in-game (or for the player's role-playing experience).
  4. I'm finding this out with some degree of frustration. I do it one way, it looks like garbage. I do it another, it looks un-kerbal. I'm definitely the least artistic person I know, lol.
  5. Amazing work, guys. This is all turning out great! Using this on Mac and I'm seeing the same issue. Easy enough to fix though - I just opened each config file and save as'd with the "use .txt" box unchecked. Not sure how to fix that on Benjee's end though...
  6. Updated to-do list. Finished modeling everything I care to model. The reader may notice the foot is just a simple hemisphere. This is because I read that it needs to be "upside-down" for when it goes into Unity when the time comes. So I'll just delete the foot and redesign it later, because I don't quite know what Unity wants me to do there. I Left the undercarriage flat and undefined, except for a cylindrical utility node, as per the design. I plan to elucidate details with textures alone, and actually, it looks like a good place for someone to put extra monoprop tanks. The utility node will probably be an attachment node for an optional docking port, in case the player wants to add it for refueling purposes (as there clearly isn't any canon docking port to do this). May also be used to actually mount this thing on a proper launcher. I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here, but designing a rocket and fairings to go with this sounds like a really good idea. I'll put that aside. For now, the next thing on the list is to learn what I need to do about textures. I've chosen photoshop cs5 to work with because that's what my mac came with. I'm going to need to learn what the hell ambient occlusion, "baking," and normal maps are. I think one of these is supposed to simulate definition by making a flat surface seem like it has 3d detail. This is important for pretty much all the panel surfaces I didn't add. I'm putting off UV unwrapping for a moment while I learn all this stuff because... well I don't quite know why. I feel like there are some things I need to know about texturing before mapping this stuff out. If there isn't, then whatever. Thank you. When I worked at the Natural History Museum in LA, there was a 2 million year old canine fossil within a rock nobody wanted to work with because we needed to model it using TEM images. But anyway, as you can see, I still haven't got my poly problem under control. I've decided to push on ahead and call this a lesson learned.
  7. Small update. After learning to animate in Blender, I've started work on the landing gear. Not sure how that's going to go over in Unity, but one thing at a time, lol. Looks similar to the stock small landing legs, so I'm thinking I can look at those for reference. My power supply blew in the PC I use for KSP and Unity, so while I wait for a replacement, I can't actually test any of my parts... not that it matters - I haven't even started texturing yet. I've also started on the RCS thruster mounts (not shown in the pic). Those are actually going quite nicely, though I'm not sure how I'm going to have the player attach it to the ship. For it to "fit," it needs to be put in a particular place, however, I kinda want to allow flexibility with surface attach enabled. I'll decide on this when I get to collider meshes. I'm not sure what to do about that . I'm not even done adding stuff and it's shooting up toward 40,000 tris. The engines are rather detailed, but I really wanted to have at least one detail visible from four cardinal angles, namely, the tubes and tanks. Since reading this, however, I have tried to make a special effort with the landing gear and RCS thruster mounts. I also had all sorts of ideas for the windows, but I've reduced them to simplistic polygons. In fact, the part you see in the pic has gone down from ~600 to 200. And still, I'm at 36,000 tris.
  8. This will be my first mod. I have no prior experience with Blender... or photoshop... or Unity. I've read through a couple of tutorials, however, and figured I'd give this a go. That said, the Aries-1B is the shuttle spacecraft that was used in 2001 to move people and probably supplies between the Earth and the Moon. It's simply a round hull with engines on the bottom and a ring of windows above the middle, so I thought its shape lent itself well as a learning project for me. What I have so far is a model I've created in Blender that's basically situated around a sphere. Most recently, I've just figured out how to use the shrinkwrap tool to properly wrap panels along the surface of the hull. Next, I plan to add details to the windows before moving onto the RCS thruster mounts. I will try to keep up on this project and see it through to completion insofar as irl concerns allow. I work on this on my mac between classes or after I get out of lab, so the workflow should be rather constant, however there is still a great deal I need to learn about texturing and Unity before I move onto those phases of the project, so there may be delays between my updates while I figure that kind of stuff out. Critical advice is encouraged, but go easy on me - I'm just a biologist and I have no formal training in any of this, lol . Here is my to-do list: Done | WIP | To do 1. Modeling a. Panelling b. Details on the ring of windows c. Cockpit windows d. RCS Thrusters e. Landing Gear f. Engine cavity details 2. Learn to Texture, then Texture 3. Learn to Unity, then Unity 4. Write Config files for all the parts* 5. Licensing 6. Release *I'm thinking of maybe 5 parts: engine, RCS thruster, landing gear, the top hemisphere, and the bottom hemisphere. Depending on how things go, I MAY make two interiors for this: a two-seater cockpit and a passenger cabin. If this ever makes it to release, I also envision an optional config file for RSS use.
  9. I don't mean to hijack the thread from OP, but I think my progress on the Aries-1b is more than relevant: I've basically made a sphere and cut out the observation windows and the bottom for the engines. I've started mostly on detailing the engines, which was an opportunity for me to learn to use tools like spin, mirror, smoothing/edge splitting, adding pipes, boolean cut-outs, and beveling edges. I think the thing I may need help with is understanding how to create panels that go evenly over a sphere. For instance, I want to create an octagonal panel to overlay on top where the cockpit windows go (as seen here). I've tried shrinkwrapping but I can't seem to get it right.
  10. I don't know, but I've been following along and I want to make an Aries-1b Mun/Minmus ferry. I've got ahold of reference material and loaded the images into Blender. I had a couple of questions: 1. Once I mark the edges and apply the edge split, can I then remove the edge marks? 2. How do I get Michelle Obama edges? I did the edge split and it gave me Mahmoud Ahmadinejad edges, but I want Michelle Obama edges. Do you simply do it manually with extrude/scaling? If so, must I mark each of the resulting edges before then applying edge split?
  11. Hi, I'm new to modding and I've been working on the Leonov from 2001: The Year we Made Contact. The large part that spins is probably the hardest one to make and when I finally finished and got it into the game, the pods don't load up. This is a very basic part - it doesn't spin... yet. Can someone shed some light on why the pods don't load up? And not just the pods, but random bits of the main structure as well. It's all one part, so I was wondering if perhaps I'm exceeding some sort of vertices limit. In which case, why does it let me write the mu file in the first place? (to clarify, the picture shows the part in question in the middle. The stock parts and the gray striped part in front are totally separate) I'll also just put the fbx file here in case anyone needs to see what's going on inside.
  12. This is really some fantastic work! Question: would it be feasible to model the airlock antechamber where Kerbals enter and exit the vehicle, then design an animated hatch that slides out of the way to expose the antechamber (perhaps both an angled hatch and a straight hatch adapter as someone else suggested)? Also - I can't remember - does the hatch swing or slide open in the movie?
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