I made a boom crane to help with the construction of my Mun Base. The crane is 136 parts, weighs 10.4 tons has 2 jr docking ports and 1 normal docking port on the bottom for transport. There 2 driver seats near the front. Why 2? To keep it symmetrical. (for the eagle eyes the first pic of the boom crane is from it's previous prototype as you can tell from the leg stands and wheel guard) The Mun Base which I call H.O.M.E. Base consist of 230 parts weighs 45.5 tons has a return capsule sitting on top, a science lab with a docking port on top for getting off the mun, 3 hitchhikers with an unfolding ramp and on top of each hitchhiker are 3 comns/electric towers (that comes off with the help of the boom crane), which has KAS winches erm i mean extension cords to the science lab for power, and the towers lights are on a small hinge to change the angel of the light. So far the home base is on it's way to the mun while the crane is under construction for transport, and the base is still not finished once this is complete i sill start my next base on Duna (which i am already developing on sleek boom crane that fits in a cargo bay fuselage to protect it from Duna entering heating not that it actully matters but fun to imagine)