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Posts posted by Chickadapus

  1. [quote name='V8jester']Oh! Alright so since you are running Win 10 same as me. Right click your shortcut.

    look at the "shortcut target field"
    at the very end type " -dx9"
    don't forget the space between (....ksp.exe" -dx9)

    and that helped me run scatterer, Eve and AVP properly.[/QUOTE]

    Active Texture Management seems to be struggling for some reason now. I've done everything you've said, no planetshine, MM installed and -dx9. Not entirely sure why its struggling though.
  2. [quote name='V8jester']Next question. What are your computer specs? I don't like leading with that question but I aught to ask. AVP is very graphics intensive to begin with. So this requires some fairly substantial hardware. And are you seeing the red dots on Kerbin? Just strange since the cloud layer is the same but a different color.[/QUOTE]

    I have an AMD A8-6600K APU 3.9GHz a 2GB GTX 960 and 8GB of ram. There are large red tinted patches on all bodies with clouds, on kerbin they cover about 1/3 of the planet with a sheet of clouds covering the rest. The auroras work fine though. It looks like theres an additional cloud layer on each body? I have altostratus, aurora1 and 2, cirrus, detail1, detailAurora, detaileve1, duna1, eve1, jool1, joolLayers1 and 2 and kerbin1 in the boulderCo clouds texture folder. Does that sound right?
  3. [quote name='V8jester']No, Sounds like you have it installed right, except for planetshine. I didn't go through everything to make it play nice with planetshine yet. Try removing that as well as deleting all the files created by Module manager.

    Oh yeah you have that one right? MM?[/QUOTE]

    I uninstalled Planetshine and installed Module manager, assuming it's just the .dll I need? This didn't work, but I'm going to delete the files created by MM and launch again. That didn't work either xD
  4. [quote name='V8jester']
    How did you install EVE 1.05 Reboot and AVP Reboot? AVP is broken into steps. Such as open core mod then only extract what you need. Your game data folder should only have two new folders placed in it. "Environmental Visual Enhancement" and "BoulderCo". Then each step you add will only add files to those two folders.[/QUOTE]

    My GameData folder has ActiveTextureManagement, BoulderCo, Chatterer, DistantObject, EVE, KerbalTek, kerbCam, PlanetShine, Squad and TextureReplacer in it. Are some of these meant to be inside each other then?
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