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  1. 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko would seem like an obvious candidate to get added.
  2. Hit the barge, but too hard for survival https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/588076749562318849
  3. I've always built pointy rockets. It's an appealing aesthetic.
  4. Well, rather than resort to mysterious destruction of crops they could try showing themselves.
  5. If you apply lateral forces to real docking ports they break.
  6. Because it's very hard to do in a structurally sound manner. It took years to construct the ISS and it doesn't have to deal with any sort of heavy acceleration.
  7. That really says it all about fluorine chemistry and why you don't want rocket sized tanks of any of it.
  8. I doubt it's going to be an issue. The legs caught fire during take-off. During a real launch they'd be folded away.
  9. The ISS doesn't have to undergo any kind of meaningful levels of thrust, a spaceship is.
  10. I don't know why they chose the Torque3D engine, but as I understand it the physics they're using are completely custom made.
  11. As I understand it, the guys who did much of the soft body physics work have moved their work to the Torque3D engine because CryEngine was too expensive to use.
  12. AFAIK most air breathing proposals falls apart because the rocket doesn't stay in the atmosphere for long enough for it to make sense when you take the added structural weight in to account.
  13. Actually, they're kinda picky on that subject. Aside from the obvious stealth issues, having an engine droning in your ear is less than helpful when using a radio. And they're going to be even more wary of the heat issues since they're likely to operate them in really hot climates. They're also going to be very worried about stuff like dust ingestion and how to get the fuel cannisters out to the troops. Despite their drawbacks, Lithium-Ion batteries does have the advantage that mil-spec chargers will accept just about any combination of voltage and frequency and they're built into just about every vehicle in their arsenal.
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