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Everything posted by Thiel

  1. Have you ever had to sit through 20min of 4x physwarp transferburn? Neither have I and that's the problem here. It simply takes too long to go anywhere with the old stats, so people don't use them.
  2. People have been making ion powered planes since they were introduced. It may be unrealistic but it's far more enjoyable to use on probes etc. now that you don't have to burn for twenty minutes+ to get anywhere.
  3. Has anyone tested how the asteroids react with FAR installed?
  4. I don't get why people complain about the LES. Sure, you can cobble together your own from structural parts and seperatons, but it's still one of the most requested parts in the suggestion section. I agree that it needs an integrated decoupler though.
  5. I'd like to see more research parts. Telescopes of various sorts, more sensors, mapping tools etc. I'd love to be able to built a prope that unfolds like the Webb telescope.
  6. Because they provide something the base game doesn't provide.
  7. On some level I'm happy that I'll be gone until the midle of next week since we'll probably be over most of the server melting by then.
  8. I've always asumed RCS ran on a catalytic monopropellant like Hydrazine
  9. As long as it has twist axis, a hatswitch and a decent amount of buttons you should be good.
  10. One of the preview videos says they're up to 30m across.
  11. You wouldn't be able to do that if they had gravity either.
  12. AFAIK the term itself comes from an old paper from the fifties.
  13. What good would a cable do on this mission?
  14. Well, I now know what I'll be doing the next couple of days.
  15. It makes perfect sense when you realise that Finland has a large Swedish speaking minority. That's also the reason why a lot of their cities have two names, ie. Helsinki/Helsingfors.
  16. Not to mention that they want a more natural progression to the tech tree.
  17. I don't really get why people are so gung-ho about getting a robot arm for ARM, it's not like it'll be useful for it. I'm not saying I don't want one, I'd absolutely love to have one, I just don't see what you'd use it for on this particular mission.
  18. I was thinking more in terms of the local media. As I understand it SQUAD hasn't received much attention from them yet.
  19. Does anyone know how the news have been received in Mexico?
  20. The KSP hivemind has done it again. http://www.polygon.com/2014/3/20/5527642/the-2014-game-developer-choice-awards
  21. Because Unity is by far the cheapest 3D engine out there which is kinda a big deal when you don't have the slightest clue how the game is going to be received.
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