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Everything posted by Thiel

  1. That's a great idea. I'd ad that it should be possible to access it during the building phase as well. That way you'll have a handy place to write a flight guide in case the rocket or aircraft needs special handling. Not to mention a place to write which action group does what.
  2. +1 Yup, Asteroid Redirect Mission
  3. It hasn't. The development cycle has been steady at 8-10 weeks for the last two years, with an extra couple of weeks added over Christmas because of holidays.
  4. Multiplayer ended up on the WNTS list because every thread about it always devolved into a massive flame fest.
  5. A friend of mine mentioned it over IRC
  6. Generally speaking foundations don't have grass growing in them while they're being built.
  7. I wonder whether there'll be a way to get rid of them again short of crashing it into something.
  8. It's not really going to be an issue. We've sent several probes through it IRL and they had to plan ahead so they cours get them close enough to photograph them. Otherwise they would have passed straight through it as if there was nothing there.
  9. Has an unintended collision of two satelites ever actually happened?
  10. To me KSP is suitable to all ages. If they're old enough to understand how to use a computer they're old enough to play. Exactly how much they'll get out of it depends entirely on the child and her/his parents though. There's plenty of anecdotes on this forum alone about five-eight year olds who manages to build their own rocket and get it into an orbit. And even if they don't explosions are always fun.
  11. Out of interest, if you didn't like minecraft, why did you expect to like minecraft in space?
  12. Because we know bugger all about Pluto's atmosphere and geography.
  13. It really depends on what you're into. The Assassins Creed games are a good bet if you're into open world adventure games though be aware that III is the weakest of the series, the Uncharted series are more linear but the level design makes up for it. Last of Us is probably one of the best Zombie games released for the system, but be aware that it's exceptionally brutal. The Ratchet and Clank games are great as well. Far Cry 2 and 3 are well worth your time. There's also been a couple of excellent HD remakes of older games. My favourites are Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good and Evil. The best thing is that most of these games are available for very little money, especially if you can buy used.
  14. Fluorine. Gotta love an element that'll give you strong teeth and chew your face off.
  15. As I uderstand it Reaction Engines is making a pretty penny on their cooler fabrication tech.
  16. Just to clarify, the NASA pack is going to be free for everyone.
  17. Even NASA knows you can only take all up testing so far.
  18. Most of the research I've heard about relies on electrodes coupled to nerve endings.
  19. Hard to say really. The update cycle has been pretty stable at about eight weeks with a delay over Christmas for the last two years, so mid march seems likely. That said there's been no mention of breaking savefile compatibility, so with a little luck you should be able to continue your projects without any issues.
  20. It all depends on what new features they intend to implement. If say the implement robotic arms for instance then it might become an issue.
  21. Well, Harvester mentioned that there'd be a penalty for failing and a reward for succeeding which, to me at least, implies some sort of economic system since that's the only way I can see that they could do it.
  22. A friend on Shipbucket's IRC channel mentioned. This was way back when it was $10.
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