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Everything posted by Thiel

  1. It only includes interplanetary stuff. There's quite a bit more going on in Earth orbit.
  2. But they make wonderful incentives to move technology and science forward.
  3. It's also worth mentioning that disks are far easier to write data to on an industrial scale.
  4. The assumption here being that nothing is getting done. A quick look back through the last year alone should tell you that that just isn't correct. There's plenty of things happening in space. Sure they're not as visually impressive as the early years of space exploration but that's because they were pioneering the basics. Learning the hard way how to build a rocket is inherently more flashy than figuring out how x behaves in a micro gravity environment, but that doesn't in any way mean it's not happening or that it's not important.
  5. Now you just need to learn how to use safety goggles and keep the slides free of tools...
  6. That is one manly lathe. The lack of safety goggles rather less so.
  7. For the same reason that upper stage engines tend to have less thrust than the main stage, you simply don't need as much of it once you've cleared the denser parts of the atmosphere.
  8. It has to look like a rocket. That's about all.
  9. Is there a dummies guide to the communication system somewhere? I've got a couple of comm satellites in orbit but I can't get all of them to talk together.
  10. RockStar has the two original GTA games available for free on their website
  11. I installed the second KEO satellite for my RemoteTech network.
  12. While it's true that primers tend to be heat sensitive to some degree they're not that sensitive. Besides they'll presumably be inside the warhead with all the other explosives and a nice steel casing to shield it. It makes it easier to hit. A unitary KKV needs to make hull contact, a fragmentation warhead just needs to get "close enough".
  13. Simple, make a tougher heatshield and pay the weight penalty
  14. Minotaur V, the mther of all SRB launchers. By by LADEE
  15. I've never been a fan of Europa Universalis and its ilk. Too much battle spreadsheet and not enough game.
  16. It has indeed come up before and if I remember correctly it's a limitation within Unity.
  17. I usually start my burn right off the pad. How much depends on the rocket.
  18. Considering just how many action groups some of my crafts use it would be really helpful actually. Even more so for SSTOs that needs to be flown a specific way to make it into orbit. It would be really cool if it was a part of the cockpit exterior, either as a notebook or as a stickynote.
  19. Well, they'll get to measure the lower parts directly plus rhey might be able to set up a similar impact experiment like they did with the Ebb and Flow probes earlier this year
  20. Stuff like solar sails would be impractical in KSP since they take absolutely forever to get anywhere with them.
  21. I don't know if this is still the case, but it has been mentioned that there's going to be several tiers or tech levels. Supposedly the 3 man capsule represents the higher end and the 1 man the lower end.
  22. If you can smell gasoline or any other fuel for that matter it means there's either a spill or a leak somewhere or your engine isn't combusting it properly. In all cases you have a problem, so no I don't like the smell of gasoline.
  23. AAA games have gotten a lot of grief the couple of years and while a lot of it is deserved it has gotten to the point where it seems that playing them are considered a sin and a surefire way to get your hardcore gamer status revoked. I think that's a shame because the tripple A industry do infact make some truly great games. So, what's yor favourite recent AAA title. For the sake of simplicity I define recent as anything released after 2010. My favourites are Skyrim and The Last of Us
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