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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. We need ressources in RO ! I wanna do this ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxftPmpt7aA
  2. Here's screenshots from my moon mission, Ill post the other missions later !
  3. Realism overhaul is the best I've sent probes in orbit around Neptune, Europa, Ganymede. Flew by Saturn. Sent a lander on Venus. Sent a couple rovers on Mars. One of them climbed Olympus Mons (400 km ride). I did a manned moon landing fully in first person and returned (that was extremely fun, thanks rasterpropmonitor and TrackIR). I'm currently in the process of a manned Phobos mission with a centrifuge, with an explorer vehicle and a rover in Valles Marineris that has a sample return rocket to be intercepted by the main phobos spacecraft. I did a manned return mars landing mission in RSS a while ago, but not RO yet. I had TAC life support, deadly reentry, FAR etc but I was using "cheaty" stock ion engines though. Looking forward to do that in RO soon. If you guys are interested I can post some screenshots when Im back home
  4. I replaced the RO_Physics by this one, still same problem, factor of 6. So I looked at the "Physics.cfg" in the root folder and found the convection factor there being set at 6. I put it to 1.1 there, and now it's at 1.1 in the game. Is there something weird happening where the game is not reading the RO_Physics values? I'm wondering now what else I have wrong! thanks again for the quick answer.
  5. Thanks for the answer Nathan ! happy to hear that my instinct to tweak the convection setting was right I'll double check the RO_Physics cfg when I get back home. Phew !
  6. Thanks for your answer! I actually did try all kinds of reentry trajectories to see what is wrong. But I ran into the same problem with shallower, steeper, etc. the temperature just suddenly shoots through the roof , above 3200 degrees... I looked at the real temperatures you would get with those kinds of lunar reentry speeds and here http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/constellation/orion/orion-tps.html it says 2760 degrees celsius, which strangely, is pretty much exactly what I get from tweaking the convection value... still don't know what is really going on...
  7. Thanks for the answer! yes, I am using RealHEat. But AFAIK Apollo reentered in one shot, not multiple passes...
  8. ---EDIT : So I tried to mess with the thermal values in the debug window, putting Convection Factor from the default "6" to "1" and now I was able to do a clean reentry, with a perigee of 60km, and peak heating of ~2700 degrees at 65km altitude. But now I'm wondering if I'm hiding a bug by tweaking another variable... I don't want to make reentries at other speeds/altitudes unrealistic... -------------- Just wondering what Im doing wrong.. Coming back from a Moon Orbit (after a very fun moon landing mission in first person with RPM and ALCOR Pod, what a treat), My pod+heatshield just blows up at around 80km altitude. I feel like this shouldn't happen? I'm using the regular RO install with FAR, no DRE. At 130 km : Mk 1-2 Pod 4m Heatshield Orbit speed : 11014 m/s Apo : 598 Mm Peri : 80.655 km Here's a screenshot a second before blowing up Am I missing something? is it a bug? Thank you very much! this is really frustrating
  9. Hi guys, absolutely love RO. I was just wondering, I don't see Deadly reentry in the recommended or suggested mods. Does that mean that DRE became obsolete after 1.0 ? Or is it not compatible with RO yet? if it is obsolete, are the default aerodynamic heating settings realistic ? Thank you !
  10. Yeah I would love to see this mod in RO. the Orion capsule, that nice SLS second stage...
  11. Just wanted to say I'm super excited for the release of this mod looks awesome so far.
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