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Lupus Irae

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Everything posted by Lupus Irae

  1. I had that issue on a craft. What I did was have a more shallow (?) re-entry. Um. That is, I reduced my Pe. by a very small amount (to 68 some KM from a low Kerbin orbit of 70-ish), instead of a larger amount. Granted, that was because of a design flaw (very shallow margin for error) that left me with only a handfull of delta-v once I got into orbit. This has worked twice, but I am not sure that it will be effective on other craft.
  2. Just as a note, I am pretty sure that the contracts that specify something like,"... supporting five Kerbals," do not actually have to be crewed. That is, as long as the station itself fulfills the contract requirements that it *can* host five Kerbals, does not mean it has to have a crew.
  3. This is what I might call a "lack of coffee" bug. It happens. I, for one was glad to see thumbnails for ships at all, as I do not have the best naming habits for ships. Nor documents, though I am not as bad as this. https://xkcd.com/1459/
  4. Could it not be that it still needs adjustment?
  5. My only question: has it been considered that it may be a bug that needs fixing?
  6. Perhaps the amount of cooling they require is a bug, or a change they did not intend to make? Hopefully so.
  7. May I ask what parts those are connecting either the Mainsails or KR-2L's?
  8. Um. The Kraken attacked. I was attempting to launch a probe core this way, with a large rocket. I disengaged the clamps, let the rocket fall a bit, fired up the engines.... There was a large explosion. The screen went black save the ui. The navball speed indicator reads as follows. 202567323332449000000000000.00 m/s Kerbin is gone. The Kerbol system is gone. I deleted the save to prevent further catastrophe, but will post the video tonight. Note: My latest attempt seems to have left Kerbin intact, but the rest of the system is gone. Possibly the rest of the universe as everything is shrouded in darkness..... Edit 2: I closed the game, and it came back. Edit 3: and I will post the video within the week.
  9. I was fiddling around in sandbox mode and got the launch clamps about 36000 M tall. The previous time, when I went to the "launchpad" view, about 9000m tall, the rocket exploded and the game crashed.
  10. Thank you Kip. I do not have a probe core on it, but I did attach a reaction wheel to it for stability assistance. I will test it without the wheel. Thanks much.
  11. I have a brief question: My rover (picture below) seems to be controlled by my main craft. That is, when it is decoupled, it still pitches, yaws, etc. as if it is part of the main craft. It is connected by the TR-2V decoupler. I noticed almost the opposite effect the other day when I tested the decouple mechanism. I had it attached to a bare command pod on the launchpad. After decoupling, Jeb got out and hopped in the lander. Moving the lander around made the command pod roll about as well. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks. Edit: Sorry Moderator, I did not realize that the post would need checking, I just saw it dissapear and attempted to repost. I was not attempting to double post. http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537390612466083908/EC5A41A5D9DA3877EAD8A9ED2C96B5781BC1658C/
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