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Everything posted by Bomaye

  1. All fuel tanks was locked on cargo, and Rhino not in use. Pic#7 is just showing departure of cargo and is the staged only on and no stage.
  2. The White Knight replica testing Craft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4NjxbmXIiYwcDN1RG1oWFVYdU0/view?usp=sharing Take-off: 396.84t (SS said .81 dunno why it jumped) Cargo to orbit: 163,09t Payload fraction: 44,09% Not bad for something I might need one day http://imgur.com/a/rTRZW
  3. I like the standard of this poll, much like Kerbal Space Programe in general...........try and fail
  4. Just tested piggyback rocket and its doable http://imgur.com/gallery/AtBsg/new
  5. It is just a normal plane/base/lab/miner for Laythe that need a lift up to the Laythe pusher which used same space plane up.
  6. Or you can do a plane on a space plane, like under - but just make it a spaceplane on a spaceplane
  7. Crap forgot the no refuel part........(or just lazy and didnt read)
  8. 2. Turbo-RAM-Jet: Awesome nice afterburner effect. However, the SR-71 only used them to take off. Doh! It seems they are much more balanced now. The SR-71 used afterburner all the time, it was just that the rotary part of the engine became a drag item at Mach 3
  9. Is this an experimental thread of some kind??? If not it would qualify for top 100 Darwin Award (Karwin Award?) ;-)
  10. 48 pages........waow! Just because people make stuff up. A sad show from kerbalkind........
  11. 960h and counting.........it's too cheap!
  12. Awwwww you guys ruined my point ;-) Boosters to the people! :-D
  13. This is also un-realistic: Kerbal jungle word: "In thrust we trust" ;-) http://theaviationist.com/2014/09/15/f-15-lands-with-one-wing/
  14. When did KSP get full of whiners??? I used to love just reading the forum with all the wannabe space engineers and their hillarious attempts of even getting anything of the pad, but now its hijacked by whiners. Since I'm travelling I cant enjoy the new KSP but the little I have checked is awsome! :-D *grabs anti whiner spray*
  15. Maybe the game has to many new generation players who dont want to have new challanges ;-)
  16. I'm astonished that people complain about 1.0.*. The 0.9 was so bad for SSTO I had to get FAR mod to build a good craft. Next week I will finally get to test 1.0 with my FAR crafts..... And I got ca 90 tons to orbit with stock parts ;-)
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