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Everything posted by audiosupernova

  1. Actually, it was just a structure I'd built that had...millions...okay a few hundred struts on it for stability and strength(only way it would make it into orbit), and rather than remove all of them manually, the weld tool actually made the job easier, as it would ignore them in the import process. It's not a huge deal, as now I'm building parts with this weld tool in mind, so I don't include the struts anymore. It was just a time saver for some older stuff I'd made. Anyhow, I appreciate your work continuing the development of this mod, makes the game playable!! I was making a station that was made up of about 10 or so other modules, of nearly 1000+ parts each. Kerbal with 10K parts on screen is a slideshow.
  2. Hey girka2k, I tried out you test build and it does indeed fix the 1 degree rotation bug. It was something I actually noticed immediately when I downloaded this and ran for the first time today. I'm working on a module for my massive STOCK space station that is primarily made of modular girders and takes up the entire rocket hangar, and due to it's extreme width, placing the XL solar panels near the edge of the structure, would actually not be physically connected to it, but they would move closer to the center of the girders the closer you get to the center of the structure. Anyhow, great job!! Possible bug on your test build: Now the ignore massless objects function doesn't seem to ignore the struts anymore. I used it on the previous version with the 1 degree bug, and the struts were removed, but in this build, they're still present. Just FYI.
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