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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. It didn't help. Still that part is overheating but I just reinstalled my KSP (clean version) and once again using CKAN I installed the all things. It seems this helped a bit. The battery (or that part) isn't overheating now but heatshiled is overheting a bit now (but I think it's normal - I have around 700-800 degrees, max 1035).
  2. Quick question. I use RO, RP0, RSS everything installed via CKAN. Everytime this procedural battery just overheating and then exploding. What I do wrong? It doesn't matter what heatshield I use, still the same effect. It's very annoying. :|
  3. Why? Because this: Red - Lander Green - Mothership I think that's explain all Anyway I pressed that button call jettison but nothing happend. Maybe I use it wrong or I don't know how to use it The only thing what I can do with that heatshield is open and close. Here I would like to mention one issues. Always when I try to launch rocket I have got open that heatshield. What's is wrong? It is also happen when i use F5 to quick save and then F9 to load or just choose ship from list in tracking sation and click fly. Always the same result - open heatsield. Edit: It's weird I delivered just a moment ago my rover on Eve surface. Of course I used 6.25m heatshield with sock part.cfg (CoMOffset = 0.0, 3.0, 0.0) and there wasn't any problem with stability. Maybe before it was too light weight of pod for this heatshield but I think for future possible stability problems CoMOffset should be change for CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.2, 0.0. The center of mass should be on the bottom not on top. Just like for the other heatshields.
  4. The problem is with this pod. (I sent it to Eeloo - landing on surface and back to Kerbin.) It's not problem with docking port because after I removed them the problem still is. btw. I'm using BTSM + Deadly Reentry. craft file if you need: http://www./download/658jhccat13yao8/Pod+6_25m+heatshield.craft
  5. None of them. I never had any problems with the other heatshield, only with 6.25m there is problem. As I mentioned before, after edit CoMOffset line in part.cfg for this heatshield the problem was gone.
  6. Question. Why central of mass for 6.25m heatshield is here? I think it should be like here - for 3.75m Why I ask? Because there is problem when try to entry to the atmosphere. Ship just roll (wrong central of mass). Increase the Lead Ballast do nothing. Edit: Change from: CoMOffset = 0.0, 3.0, 0.0 To: CoMOffset = 0.0, -1.2, 0.0 fix that problem and even now lead ballast works as it should
  7. I guessed it's something with max value limit which can be save. I hope this will be fix. Too much wait for this. The game change year to -67 so I'll be wait forever when it reach year 1 Hmm... so that's explain why I could not do nothing with my two docked ship on orbit after change UT value to smaller. The other ships were fine (even rovers) anyway I'll try to undock them first and maybe this will be work
  8. Is there any way to fix problem with date above Year: 69 ? I really want to continue my game (I know I can play) but a minus date is annoying. The first time I was thinking it's problem with my one of addon which I use but then I checked it on unmodded version of KSP and still the same problem :| I was thinking to change UT value in save file to smaller but it might mess up my ships (with and/or without Kerbals on aboard). So is there any good solution for this?
  9. I wanted to report it as Transfer Windows Planner bug but I read there is year display limit for KSP. "68 year limit" Before (max year 68 ; day 359) After set year 69 And in space taracking So is there any way to fix it? Because above year 69, Transfer Windows Planner is useless. I know (as I said) it's a game problem but maybe someone have solution. I really would like to use Transfer Windows Planner It's very helpful mod. Edit: I had to change UT value in save game file and set it to a lower value.
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