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Everything posted by Arcturusvfx

  1. If you need any help with texturing I Recently Made a bunch of texures for a Delta IV series I did for myself. All Re-Textures of existing parts to hold myself over till a good and proper Delta IV series was released. http://imgur.com/a/YwMDs
  2. There were multiple reasons for it being shown as "painted" in the renders but it was always going to be "un-painted".
  3. It wont let me change the camera focus when i have hullcams set to "on",when the individual cameras are disabled it works fine. Also i had accidentally pressed the key to change the focus while docking with the docking cam on and it wound up locking me out of being able to leave that view.
  4. just a heads up, Camera-Focus-Changer doesn't seem to work well with http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-1-0-4-Hullcam-VDS-Nightvision-Dockingcam-and-other-filters-Updated-10-Aug/page58.Either work fine for me by themselves, they just don't play well together.
  5. just a heads up, hull cam doesn't work well with http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/136086-Camera-Focus-Changer-v0-8-1.Either work fine for me by themselves, they just don't play well together.
  6. The camera Lock on CoM has been in my top 5 GRRRRR!!!s since starting this game in 0.23...........Thank you, very very much for this!
  7. You can use the original Internal for the orion from bobcat, it has 6 seats and it faces in the right direction.
  8. Agreed..... http://imgur.com/a/QUPRg#1
  9. I have, dont open it in the VAB or that happens.
  10. That might not be able to be done as the boxes share the same texture.
  11. Its a re purposed Ares from bobcats american pack, essentially the same the thing as the sls.
  12. Yes they are, but quite efficient. http://s1347.photobucket.com/user/Arcturus11VFXmodeling/library/ksp?sort=3&page=1
  13. Hey YANFRET, any chance we/I can get a link to some of the older versions to download?
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