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  1. I am trying to update through CKAN. It does not give me the option tu update i got latest version of KSP. But is says RSS is older version. [IMG]http://imgur.com/xkFeB6N[/IMG] What i am doing wrong ? [URL]http://imgur.com/xkFeB6N[/URL]
  2. Title says it all, The rocket isn't off the ground and my Kerbal is dead from reaching g-force limit. Whats wrong ?
  3. I got RO and i am making a payload inside side fairings. I have attached struts from the inferior stage to the payload. An struts from the top of the payload to the superior stage. Still this is unflyable it wobbles like crazy. Any trics to fix the payload so it doesn'T move too much. ?
  4. Lol good one i just learned launch is not equal to lunch. Thx. - - - Updated - - - I don'T have those icons ...
  5. Realism overhaul : How do i select a lunch pad ? (select a different location to lunch) ? Is it possible ? I got multiple red dots on the planet but how do i select the to lunch from those place ?
  6. I'm not sure how to understand the data they give in the mission briefing. The inclinaison , longitude of ascending node. Basically what do i need to do to send my satellite on the correct path ???
  7. I have a cereer mode. All my lvl 1 science is unlocked. I wonder if i can dock and which parts i need. The first pic shows i need the agena vehicle. But i dont have this unless im wrong. Anyone can help me ? Or i just need to get lvl 2 Tech to unlock the missing parts.
  8. Im trying to send an unmanned probe. Its career mode. I reserrched flight control. I have put a dp10 antenna and a flight dish and all. Still i get no connection. I have not sent a satellite yet in space. It works when i got a manned module but i want to send probe. What the hell am i doing wrong ?
  9. I added aaantena it still says no cconnection to send command on. Also i cannot throttle. I added aaantena it still says no cconnection to send command on. Also i cannot throttle.
  10. I get tthis when trying to lunch, it says no connection. What am I doing wrong.
  11. what mode you use to have the info next to the navball ?
  12. I got a nice career made a ton of contract, i just can't seem to be able to get the catch asteroid contract. I got the technology to do so I think.... I got the track unknown objects and i got the "claw".
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