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Everything posted by KristopherKerblumbus

  1. I've been looking through the thread and have not yet seen an answer to this question, so a thousand pardons if it's been answered before: But has anyone unraveled the problem with the TWR in the SPH/VAB being different (e.g. higher) than what the readout is in flight? Makes it INCREDIBLY difficult to design VTOL's now. I don't think it's a mod problem, as I've run this on my heavily-modded install, and on a stock install with only KER installed.
  2. I believe this is the place to ask this question! If not, please direct me to the correct thread. I've seen all over the KSP forums people talking about Turbo-RAPIERs, or Turbo-Nukes...had no idea what they were. Now I get what they are--the question now is--why? Does it provide any benefit other than cool effects? Is it the power of both engines in a smaller form factor? If that's it, I've WAY over-thought this and I apologize for being a numpty. :-/
  3. Looks like KAX (here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76668)
  4. I don't go too far out of Kerbin's backyard--but I've been working on expanding my spaceplane fleet:
  5. Hey, also, speaking of HX parts and Bac9, what is the status of a "space-opera"-style HX-sized bridge(s) or IVA parts? Still planned, aborted, WIP? Thanks again for all the hard work you guys are doing! EDIT: Just thought of a 2nd question, don't want to bump the thread but it's a good question to put here since it's B9-specific. Is there any way to "save" cockpit configs using RPM in the IVAs? It's fun to be a button-presser for about the first--three times, IMO. After that it *does* get kinda tedious.
  6. I've currently copied all !y versions of KSP to another directory, that might be what you'll want to do, then you can always port the part back in when it updates. BUT, so far I've only seen the full Mk.1 cockpit, the new inline model hasn't been released yet, that's a crew can behind the cockpit now.
  7. Well, that's part of it I guess. I was using basic jets because they throttle up so quickly, and I try to use as few as possible because I like aesthetics. But if jets just took a huge hit and it's not just me, I'll just see where I can go from here. Thanks for all the help guys, I'll consider this answered
  8. http://i.imgur.com/UDPylPG.jpg This was the first thing I tried, posted in the OP. It was a longrange science and exploration craft that served me well pre-1.0. Now, post 1.0, that won't get off the ground. Nothing will. Even when I shrink it to less than half the size and strip the wings off just to test the VTOL portion. I can get HTOL planes off the ground fine. Just built an HL-size SSTO that can go up to a 200km orbit easy.
  9. Sorry. I thought I was clear enough in the OP. I've tried a number of different designs, so screenshots really *wouldn't* be helpful. My problem is that I can't get anything off the ground. I guess my question is if the post-1.0 B9 jet altering configs reduce the thrust such that nothing lifts, and again, I'm using KER, so I understand the basic ideas and have the stats to check what works and what doesn't, I'm just unable to get anything to lift unless I use a ridiculous amount of engines (e.g., three Sabre-M engines on a Mk. II cockpit, one 8m fuel tank and a bicoupler)
  10. Okay, so obviously my first admission is that I'm using B9 parts, which are currently on "WIP" status, and I don't know how much that has to do with my problem. If that's the case, say so and I'll go on my merry way. But I think I just haven't figured out 1.0.4's flight physics yet. In .90, I was able to build 747-size orange-tank VTOL atmospheric airplanes that I was going to use to drop parts for base building. Then, 1.0 came out, and now I can't even get something like this to lift off. I've got KER, so I know the stats I need (1.0+ TWR in the vertical direction, plenty of reaction wheels and a balanced CoM/CoT), but I'm just having no luck. Does anybody have any tips? Thanks!
  11. Wow, a reply from Blowfish! Thanks! *bows* Well, like I said, I can't really help, but I'll send as much well-wishes and karma as I can your way. EDIT: Hey, Hirumaru, if you're still struggling with B9, shoot me a PM/note or something. I'm working off of 1.0.4 (64-bit even o_O) and got blowfish's maintenance port to work just fine so far, so I think I can help you out. Though I haven't tried anything serious with HX parts yet.... EDIT2: Can confirm. HX parts *do* work in 1.0.4.
  12. Here's the ultimate question, and I will be satisfied with any answer seen fit to give me. What's going to happen with 1.1? Are you being kept aware of anything at all on Squad's end of things so you can begin tweaking now? Or is it safe to assume that everything's going to break again and we'll be back to square one? I'd love to help, honestly I would, but I'm absolute garbage at coding, modding, or really doing anything useful other than pointing to something and saying "That doesn't work". Sorry. >_>
  13. Thanks. It's stable, it's just slow. I'm more looking for performance improvements over memory savings. And yes, I'm running ATM, using OpenGL mode (which I know kills my FPS) and have turned my settings down basically to the bare minimum (half-res textures rather than eighth-res).
  14. Since the size of my GameData folder is over 1 GB (1.20), I'm quite near the limits of KSP performance on 32-bit Windows. My framerate isn't particularly laggy, but I'm hitting 2GB of RAM usage with OpenGL and popupwindow enabled. So, therefore, my question is if I prune redundant parts (such as stock fuel tanks since I'm rocking Procedural Parts and KW Rocketry) or heck, even some of the KW tanks since I've got Ven's Stock Revamp, making things look very nice, how much memory/performance savings can I look at? Is it just gonna be a couple of MB and maybe 1-2 FPS? Or, if I hit the right parts, can I get big jumps? Thanks.
  15. Hey, thanks guys! Glad you like the crafts. So, the wind turbines come from LackLusterLabs, they're not stock, but a lot of fun to use! And the blueprint pics are partially GIMP, and partially Kronal Vessel Viewer (found here: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/224287-kronal-vessel-viewer-kvv-exploded-ship-view). The KVV mod only gives you the images, though. To make things look like a blueprint, like I said, just export it into GIMP or Photoshop or your image editor of choice and go to town!
  16. I'm sure I'm looking right at the solution, but just am too thick today to figure it out. I'm trying to create a thread in the Spacecraft Exchange forum for my creations, but every time I try to post a new post, it appends on the end of my first post, rather than creating a new one. Is this default behavior, or did I miss a setting somewhere? Thanks guys. Okay, I don't get it. After I got logged out and logged back in, NOW it's making new replies? What gives?
  17. DXDiag: http://pastebin.com/WnkPxXGY settings.cfg: http://pastebin.com/uz4gCH1D Craft files: https://www.sendspace.com/file/n7t5oi
  18. I'll give all that--but I thought logs only did good when there were crashes...I'm not crashing, just having performance issues.
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