My first ever challenge submission! I have had this idea for some time and originally wanted to just do it myself but I dont have time for that unfortunately. Anyway christmas is upon us and the Kerbol system. And YOU are the Santa Claus! Or Santa Klaus in Kerbal language. Your mission? Deliver a present to as many planets/moons as you can! Rules: You start on Eeloo, getting there is not a part of this challenge. Then you visit as many bodies in the system as you like or can. You must land a present on the planet/moon for it to count AND it has to survive! Present can be anything you want! But tick tock time is running out! Do it as fast as possible! You dont have to get back to Eeloo. The craft itself should have these: One external seat, a cargo bay with presents and in some way should resemble sled. This is up to you. NO CHEATING! No infinite fuel, no hyper edit, should be stock only with exceptions (post them) Screenshot starting craft and all present delivering. Your trajectories will be interesting. Points: For every present safely delivered you get 100 poits. Additional 100 points for bodies without atmosphere Bonus points for these planets/moons: Tylo - 200 points, Dres - 70 pts, Moho - 75 pts, (Mohole - 20 pts), Sun - 10000 pts Time multiplyers: under 5 years - pts*10 under 10 years - pts*5 under 20 years - pts*3 under 30 years - pts*2 over 30 years - pts*1 Good luck and merry christmas!