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Everything posted by lroy092

  1. Only contract I have is an orbit one and I can't do it as you know I have nothing to help set an orbit lol , I went for fundraising strategy not had any money as of yet lol
  2. Sorry but what are srb's , also what strategies do you find best I struggle to pick one of stayed clear of them lol
  3. Wow ok that costs a lot lol! I don't know how I'm gonna get that much money lol!
  4. It's not showing my trajectory either if that's any help?
  5. I need help with my career mode not sure what's wrong , when I get into space and try and make an orbit the manoeuvre nodes don't appear neither does the apoapsis if you know what I mean?, they are just not appearing at all and I find it difficult to make a circular orbit or an orbit at all without it, WHY is it not appearing like it does in sandbox mode, do I need to research something ?
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