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Jeb is my copilot

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Everything posted by Jeb is my copilot

  1. I am having the same problem here is my .log https://drive.google.com/file/d/16bKYUsq6doc8joN9mfM91v4NVVKvJ9CN/view?usp=sharing Thanks!
  2. I found this thread via google when i had the same problem. I did "fix" the problem. If you create a saved game in one directory and then copy the entire install to another, the saved game will save the ships in the original directory. So for me, I made a save when it was in my steam folder I then copied the install to my ssd, however my save continued to save my ships to the steam install if that makes sense.
  3. Ok, well it definitely has something to do with Joint Reinforcement. I had the latest version when it was happening but i reinstalled it any ways, same problem. Then I deleted the mod all together and the problem went away, so its something to do with the latest version.
  4. It only happens with Apollo style rockets with the lander between the capsule and the booster and only with the MKI lander can and alcor, and only when engines are attached to the lander. The MKII works fine and i can launch the MK1 and alcor when they are on there own with no engine. Its like the can gets pinned in place but will then lift off if i go to the next stage up. Also the nav ball shows the pro and retrograde indicators bobbing around about 90 degrees from one another while this is happening. Here are some pics if that helps. the second pic shows the nav ball issue. All my other rockets work even if they are resting on the bells so its not the old sticky pad issue.
  5. Heyo, just made an agency for kw so it will show up in the manufacturers tab. Here it is, just extract to the KWRocketry folder in GameData... should work
  6. Hey I am having a weird problem with my space station. The progress bar is stuck at zero and the module says -5.x on productivity and vessel productivity... Am i doing something wrong or is this a bug? I made a test rig with the same parts at the ksc and it worked fine, the productivity read in the positive and the progress bar got to 100%... I have a feeling there is something wrong with my station, its laggy as hell, I'm getting about 5f when loaded.
  7. 1. I made this account just to tell you how much this mod is needed. 2. I can't believe "Jeb is my copilot" was not taken. So obviously, the vertical snap, radial symmetry beyond 8 and different radial snapping angles are still needed. But also if it is possible, being able to change the size of the rotate gizmo would be awesome too. People who work in Maya will know what i am talking about. The bigger the circle the more precise the angle you can get with it, because you have to move the mouse further. if that makes any sense. So glad to hear that you have not given up on this mod its always the first one i install. Thanks for all that you do!
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