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  1. Well, I never really learned to KSP without FAR, but it does seem to make things follow actual logic that we see in the real life examples so I'd argue it makes things easy. Far as quitting goes, the game as it is in .90 is good enough for me, if it's the last version FAR supports it'll do. Just give early warning so I can make a decend backup of it. Far as planes go, FAR makes them actually easier in terms of "Oh ...." moments, as well as more fun (Flying Typhoon type of inherently unstable design). But your mileage may vary. TLDR: Thanks and do whatever you feel best, but know you'll be missed.
  2. 0.90 B9... Perhaps this version I can finally get something done with the largest parts.... One can dream, right?
  3. So in testing 5th iteration got the track 3 in around 1:30 time, tomorrow oughta see the unveiling of the car and the time. Might even do something silly like record few of the runs on a video. I do have a slight issue that does cause some annoyances and... some quite hilarious situations. I have mini-krakens appearing. And not once or twice that could be accounted for the track either. I've had them completely flip the car, and right a car that's almost rolling. No idea why, I've got absolutely no mods installed as it is... Oh well, I suppose brain might work at morning... Or evening, as it's now 8 AM... Curse KSP!
  4. Good evenin'. Saw this thread and... well, it's now 4:30 AM and I've got 3 cars ready to go, which one is more of a muscle car(!). Tomorrow shall be the day I hit the circuit, so I'm wondering... Does the persistent trails work with .90? Also, seeing how you can reach popping point of tires (60 m/s) with control surfaces on, I assume the "Open class" still has the regulation of control surfaces being disabled? If not, I foresee a lot of "Faceplant that wall" type of braking. Or is this just added fun value, as we all know people watch certain racing genres just for the crashes (and if it is, I should propably provide highlight reel?).
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