Hi, love the mod.. at least what I've seen from videos and pictures. - that brings me to my problem: I can't use anything except the Conic fuselage Faring, Egg-shaped fuselage Faring, Conic faring, Egg-shaped faring, Interstage faring adapter, fairing base, faring base ring. Where are all the rest 2 meter long faring, 6 meter long fairing etc? Or do you make them? And if so how? the 'How to use' doesn't show that.. unless this is a bug then it might show how to use them. How do I install this (just to be certain I did it correct): ProcFarings > Gamedata > Procedural Farings KSP > Gamedata > Procedural farings. This is how the mod and the KSP folder looks like. The latter part is how I have the mod installed like. Or are perhaps all the KSP mod folders '....edup' so I need to screw matching the mod sub-folders to ksp sub-folders and take the: ProcFarings > Gamedata > Procedural Farings <--- directly and open it and put all the named sub-folder inside of that one and put them in their corresponding KSP folders?