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Everything posted by ROXunreal

  1. Quick question: I'm in early career mode on vanilla (still have not left Kerbin orbit, put two satellites up there), if I install this mod do I need to start a new game?
  2. Made a ton of money by testing a KR 1x2 in orbit. Up to now the most profitable contracts I completed were about 60,000 roots, this one gave me 460,000, along with the advance and what I had saved up, enough to upgrade my launch pad from level 2 to level 3 and my mission control, tracking station and astronaut complex to level 2. It wasn't even that hard to get it into orbit, as I could use more than one, and thus used two more for takeoff. I also put my first two satellites in orbit. The first one was also the first satellite I ever put in a geostationary orbit. The second one, after researching some more tech, was an exercise in miniaturization. I finally have enough tech to attempt a Mun orbit and landing. I did it a few times in science mode, never in career.
  3. Spent more than an hour yesterday reverting flights in career mode trying to get a poodle and a T45 to orbit to fulfill two test contracts. Just barely made it in the end with the right combo of SRB's, I only have the 45 science nodes unlocked and an once-upgraded launch pad. Best part is that one prior try I made it to orbit, was just a few hundred meters under the target altitude for the test, decoupled the poodle after the test, and my orbit rose by those few hundred meters above the minimum test orbit for the T45 just because of the decoupling inertia So many little things kept screwing me up yesterday, had I not enabled reverting flights I'd be at game over within hours of starting career.
  4. Wait, you cannot target objects in career mode? Or can you, with upgrades to buildings perhaps? Because how do you do orbital RV then? I just started career recently so just asking (only made it to orbit so far).
  5. Dres could use a ring system, if for nothing else then just to stand out a bit more.
  6. No hold nothing mode, just the stabilize thing. Never had even the tiniest issue with it in vacuum.
  7. After fiddling around in science mode for two weeks, visiting Kerbin's moons, making a one way trip to Eve and unlocking all tier 4 nodes, I'm restarting my game in career mode just to give it a little bit more purpose and challenge. Hopefully won't be too hard. I don't know if spaceplane contracts exist, but I've barely ever made one that can fly and maneuver properly
  8. For me SAS intensifies the rotation, weird. Without SAS it leans slightly, with SAS it literally spins like crazy, at first I thought I might have collided with the lower stage and destroyed an engine, but nope. In any case it's not a crucial thing for me as I already know how to do things in those two tutorials, it's just that I wanted to finish them because they're the only tutorial missions I never completed.
  9. The tutorial mission where you have to intercept the asteroid. After your lower stage with the nuke engines runs out of fuel, the upper stage with the four Rockomax Mk55 engines spins around like crazy when you increase thrust, making any intercept impossible. I double checked that all the engines are active and thrust limiters set to 100%
  10. I tried to replicate it now during launch from Kerbin, worked ok now. However this sometimes randomly happened to me before...Will do more testing. Anyway the point I missed is that I switched two stages in the order while in orbit, but that shouldn't be causing the problem.
  11. I don't get it, I'm in mun orbit, I still have my middle stage, my upper stage and a lander on top of all that. CLEARLY the decoupler to release the lander is next in order, when I highlight it in the stage sidebar the correct decoupler glows green. I still want to retain my middle stage because there's fuel in it. I press space and my upper stage splits from my mid stage, while the lander is still connected to the upper stage. So the COMPLETELY other decoupler activated even though it was not next in line. What the hell? Is this a bug?
  12. I think the dockID line in the quicksave file fixed it when I set the value to 0. Thanks.
  13. Also had enough fuel to get myself into Gilly orbit and transmit more stuff for science, thereby unlocking nuke engines for the ride back home If I can get them to orbit efficiently
  14. Pretty cool screens and craft. My pitiful first attempt at Eve yesterday pales in comparison, but I barely played two weeks. Refueling in Kerbin orbit. Using Skippers as I haven't researched the nuclear engines yet. The craft doesn't have enough fuel to make it back from Eve orbit so I'll send a nuclear engined retrieval craft for my Kerbal once I research the tech. Eve orbit, sending down a probe. I have no screenshots of the landing but the mission was mostly a failure as the dense atmosphere changed my landing location significantly - to the middle of an ocean. I should have burned retrograde until vertical descent, not go in at a shallow angle as I did. I took pressure, temperature, goo and materials experiments on the descent and transmitted as much as I could before running out of juice. Solar panels broke off when extended, even after parachute deployment. Visually all I saw was a distant island on the horizon.
  15. I docked before I'm doing everything right I have electric charge on both ships Both ships are manned I have SAS off on both ships both docking ports are right-side-up my speed of approach is so slow it says 0.0m/s yet no magnetic action, no docking, the ports just clip through one another. I think on my first contact they did a bit of magnetic action but didn't dock right so I tried over. No magnetic attraction since then. Picture is a bit dark but you can see what I mean. They are basically kissing and nothing is happening. I barely got this pig of a fuel depot up to orbit with the tech I have unlocked, I really don't want to have to do it again...
  16. Saw a Steam friend playing it, am into flight sims and astronomy in general, bought it , got addicted. After Morrowind I can say without a doubt it is the most enjoyable single player game I have ever played.
  17. About a week into the game, performed my first successful orbital rendezvous today. Yesterday I tried for hours to RV with a stranded Kerbal fruitlessly, then I discovered it might be due to his 8,800,000m Ap and 90,000m Pe orbit lol. Today started anew with a circular 200,000m orbit, pretty proud of performing my first docking and RV with two relatively large craft. I play pure vanilla. My first Eve expedition ship that will send a probe down and return home. In case this ship doesn't look like it's able to get to Eve (without landing) and back to Kerbin with full fuel tanks and seven poodle engines, now is the time to tell me. Fuel tanker taking off. Docking & refueling
  18. Hm. I may try the aerobreaking method, or if I have enough fuel left after the rendezvous I can just go back to a stable orbit before deorbiting later as suggested. Thanks.
  19. I want to do a rescue mission with the grabbing unit, basically grab a stranded pod, put us both on a descent trajectory, release the pod and put a bit of distance and then activate chutes on both pods. The problem is this: when in atmosphere it doesn't let me switch between two craft - how am I supposed to activate the chutes on the other pod then? Mind you I am and want to use the stock pod, I don't want to transfer Kerbal into a larger 3-crew pod as that will make my rocket bigger and the first pod is perfectly operational.
  20. Thanks. I'll leave this as unanswered in case more people have advice.
  21. Simple question to which I cannot find an answer - how do you get rid of them from your rocket? I seem to be unable to select them or in any other way interact with them...
  22. Thanks for the fabulous answers. I tested and did notice that in the end if I followed through regardless of the apparent orbit change I get the same result. It was just rather confusing at first. Well, main thing is that it works.
  23. Greetings. I'm three days new to the game but have a basic understanding of most of the astronomical concepts involved. One thing I don't understand is that (as far as I know) because of the game mechanics, upon entering a new body's SOI the direction of your craft changes abruptly and unpredictably. I don't understand how I'm supposed to "aim" for third bodies during gravity assists in these circumstances, and I can't seem to find any relevant info on this in internet searches. This is what I mean: This is the plan. Looking good. Suddenly upon reaching the "Mun encounter" node, THIS happens. Everything is changed. I'm heading in a completely different direction that was not indicated in the flight path prediction????? I also don't get the broken flight path lines?
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