Everyone seems to have a different IDEA of what career mode should be. Most of you who are defending it seem to have the mindset that career mode simply offers more unorthodox challenges with constraints such as money and tech. I believe someone also finds it necessary to claim that you can do this in sandbox mode and if you cant you're just not creative or unimaginative.
So... why didn't squad add contracts/challenges to sandbox? "Do this and earn rep! Look your rep level is ____ compared to the rest of the world! Etc"
Well, I think because their intention was to create something that progresses from small to big, requiring more of the player as he/she learns how to play the game. As pretty much most "campaign" modes do in other games.
Frankly, starting out in sandbox is very overwhelming. Here are hundreds of parts, have fun.... uhhh.... ok.. then.... Here is a small solid booster, a capsule, some fins and a parachute, after you play with this I'll give you a bigger booster. Aha, now we have some progress - and so on and so on,
I suppose the problem stems from how everyone is interpreting career mode. For me, something should give you a large goal - I suppose the milestones - Leave the surface, orbit kerbin, fly by the mun, orbit the mun, land on the mun, to minmus, etc etc. These should include minor steps along the way to facilitate the player learning how to get there. If all of these little challenges were designed to be done in concurrence with these large milestones, then they should be included in that milestone. Achieve orbit around kerbin - Bonus objective - Do so with X amount of parts, test ____ part at x altitude, blah blah. But if we were to include the current contracts into something like that, we are contradicting the struggle that a space program is always fighting - efficiency - unless those bonus objectives MAKE SENSE. If that specific part is generally used as a 2nd stage at that altitude then great, we've learned something, but if it is something arbitrary like testing a landing gear then we're just wasting resources to fulfill those requirements. Lets be honest, we make a specific testing vehicle to fulfill the conditions of part testing
Wouldn't it be interesting to research efficiency? Like fuel consumption rates.
Anyway, thanks everyone who chimed in.