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Everything posted by jerem6029

  1. Hum ok... Thanks for your answer! I will play in sand box so. And I'll be waiting for a new update of CSS. Maybe ^^ Thanks!
  2. Yes I do. And there is only the main angine wich is unlock when the entire tech tree is unlock... :/
  3. Great mod! Thanks ^^ I'm french so sorry for my english... Just a problem with the mod... The CSS parts are only in the sandbox, not in the career. That's normal? Thank you for your answer
  4. Yes! I see that yesterday... But I'd rather keep BTSM, and just remove the life support ... I happen to delete the parts of life support but still consumes Kerbal this one ... and dies. ^^ Thank you
  5. In fact it is the "life support" in the gauge pods ... when it reaches 0 (in a few orbits), the Kerbal dies in the pod. While there with food etc for 300 days hung pod. I do not know if I'm clear ... :/ So, my question is : is that normal? ^^
  6. Hello everyone! I'm sorry for my english but I'm french and I use google translation ... I am also desolated if the answer is already posted but I do not understand everything ...: / I have a problem with the mod. Indeed pods contain "life support" which decreases as time 0 but once my Kerbal dies (in 5/6 rounds orbits Kerbin). So I put 300 days of life support (food, water, oxygen, waste ...). Unable worth going even Mun ... (PS: my mods are: TAC life support, FAR, BTSm, KWrocketry ...) Thank you in advance for any answers on the French forum.
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