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Everything posted by goblin

  1. Yay, thanks everyone :-) Indeed /usr/bin/resgen2 was missing, the package mono-devel somehow got removed when I apt-get installed monodevelop. Reinstalling that manually helped. After that I only needed to change "Opcode.cs" in kOS.Safe.csproj to "OpCode.cs" (apparently someone compiled it on a case-insensitive system) and voilla, compiled with only 14 warnings :-)
  2. Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't seem to be it: I already have "Mono / .NET 3.5" selected in Project options / Build / General / Target framework. I guess it must have already come with kOS.sln or some other file included in the kOS tree. Also, not sure if that changes things, but I have "Use MSBuild build engine (recommended for this project type)" selected below the framework.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to hack kOS a bit, but I've got no experience in KSP modding or even C# (I do know C/C++ though), so I'm asking for a little help setting up the environment. I've installed MonoDevelop, opened up the kOS.sln file and added the Assembly-CSharp and UnityEngine References as described on http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Setting_up_MonoDevelop However, when I try to build kOS (or kOS.Safe), I'm getting the following build error (I also had it before adding the above references): Building Solution: kOS (Debug) Building: kOS.Safe (Debug) Build started 12/29/2014 6:34:25 PM. __________________________________________________ Project "/home/goblin/git/KOS/src/kOS.Safe/kOS.Safe.csproj" (Build target(s)): Target PrepareForBuild: Configuration: Debug Platform: AnyCPU Target GenerateResources: Tool /usr/bin/resgen2 execution started with arguments: /useSourcePath /compile "Properties/Resources.resx,obj/Debug/kOS.Safe.Properties.Resources.resources" /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: error : Error executing tool '/usr/bin/resgen2': ApplicationName='/usr/bin/resgen2', CommandLine='/useSourcePath /compile "Properties/Resources.resx,obj/Debug/kOS.Safe.Properties.Resources.resources" ', CurrentDirectory='/home/goblin/git/KOS/src/kOS.Safe', Native error= Cannot find the specified file Task "GenerateResource" execution -- FAILED Done building target "GenerateResources" in project "/home/goblin/git/KOS/src/kOS.Safe/kOS.Safe.csproj".-- FAILED ---------------------- Done ---------------------- Build: 1 error, 0 warnings I'm not quite sure what "the specified file" is... Any help on fixing the error would be appreciated.
  4. Ha, funny you should mention testing. No, it hasn't :-) But seems to work. More or less. Timings are often inaccurate, but height/speed seems to be roughly OK, especially when you give it some slack. Ah, so THAT'S what suicide burn means. :-D Thanks, I'll consider renaming it with the next code change :-)
  5. Calculates the right time to fire your thrusters when landing somewhere without an atmosphere. http://goblin.github.io/ksp_brakecalc/brakecalc.html
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