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Everything posted by zero1m

  1. Version 1.0.5 (1028) {repeat of audio transmission} "mayday, mayday, sudden temperature buildup at 195km, we are now above Jool, it was good seconds earlier and now.... oh god it coming from nowhere, we havent even reach an atmosphere, we are losing..... shhhhhhhiiiii.........[something cracking] [sound of multiple explosions] [user's gurgling] " {end of record, contact lost}
  2. Thanks for tips guys. Starwaster, I have compared pressure magnitudes of Jool and Kerbin (from wiki), with the same values (+/-) 500 Pa, so just after your ship have crossed "edge" of Jool's atmosphere (198-199alt) it instantly will be put in the same conditions as in Kerbin (but lower than 30km) at speed >8000 m/s !!!! Farex, I also tried calculated approach with Tylo (Gravity assist for lowering speed) and there is no much difference (but of course it is solution anyway ). I can lower vessel speed (and enter Jool system), but it not so effective as aerobraking.
  3. Hi Farex, sorry, searched but missed your thread. So it is confirmed. Jool's atmosphere is glitched now. thanks I hope devs will fix that somehow or they will raise upper limit of Jool's atmosphere. If this "feature" is intended, pls respond p.s 2000K in 1-2 seconds really hurts
  4. didnt find any answers on steam so here we go... I just have loaded (once again) my saves from 1.02 and I have instantly exploding ships which trying to enter Jool's atmosphere at 199 km which isn't possible because higher limit is 200 km and it is must be quite discharged there. Can it be related with new heat management system ? pls confirm also, ship was flying without heatshields/radiators.It has just crossed "edge" of atmosphere (with pressure < 0.006 atm ) and get overheated in 1-2 seconds !!! KSP Version 1.0.5 (1028) , 1.0.4 ( 00861) OS: WinXp 32 / Win 7 64 bit
  5. Same problem :-( KSP Version: v0.90.0.705 Steam Windows Xp 32-bit video : nvidia 660 gtx driver 344.11 Mods / Add-Ons:none Appears after several minutes of flight, PC completely freezes (about 5 sec) and then this glitch (and again after several minutes situation repeats ) http://imgur.com/PEQVgk7
  6. save file (as text) GAME { version = 0.90.0 Title = default (CAREER) Description = No description available. linkURL = linkCaption = Mode = CAREER Status = 1 scene = 5 editor = None flag = Squad/Flags/default launchID = 9 PARAMETERS { preset = Normal FLIGHT { CanQuickSave = True CanQuickLoad = True CanAutoSave = True CanUseMap = True CanSwitchVesselsNear = True CanSwitchVesselsFar = True CanTimeWarpHigh = True CanTimeWarpLow = True CanEVA = True CanIVA = True CanBoard = True CanRestart = True CanLeaveToEditor = True CanLeaveToTrackingStation = True CanLeaveToSpaceCenter = True CanLeaveToMainMenu = False } EDITOR { CanSave = True CanLoad = True CanStartNew = True CanLaunch = True CanLeaveToSpaceCenter = True CanLeaveToMainMenu = False startUpMode = 0 craftFileToLoad = } TRACKINGSTATION { CanFlyVessel = True CanAbortVessel = True CanLeaveToSpaceCenter = True CanLeaveToMainMenu = False } SPACECENTER { CanGoInVAB = True CanGoInSPH = True CanGoInTrackingStation = True CanLaunchAtPad = True CanLaunchAtRunway = True CanLeaveToMainMenu = True } DIFFICULTY { AutoHireCrews = True MissingCrewsRespawn = True BypassEntryPurchaseAfterResearch = True AllowStockVessels = False IndestructibleFacilities = False } CAREER { StartingFunds = 25000 StartingScience = 0 StartingReputation = 0 FundsGainMultiplier = 1 RepGainMultiplier = 1 ScienceGainMultiplier = 1 FundsLossMultiplier = 1 RepLossMultiplier = 1 } } SCENARIO { name = ContractSystem scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 update = -1000 CONTRACTS { CONTRACT { guid = 09526a11-a05e-48d9-9ebe-1592c90facf9 type = SurveyContract prestige = 0 seed = 1319260272 state = Offered agent = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 81509.4274520874,43403770.1182365,3472.22216427326,14583.3324276739,3937.49982118607,10,21.37815,9.803922,83424.8763998399,0,0,0 targetBody = 1 centerLatitude = -7.84187721679645 centerLongitude = 285.703619467791 surveyTitle = Perform visual surveys of Kerbin. randomTopic = Kerbin surveyBriefing = There are places on Kerbin that we don't know much about, head there and see what you can see. surveyDebriefing = These results are fantastic! We know so much more about Kerbin! We are forwarding funds now. focusedSurvey = True PARAM { name = SurveyWaypointParameter state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 actionDescription = Take a crew report experiment = crewReport flightThreshold = 16600 band = 3 clusterState = MIXED targetBody = 1 wpSeed = 269824596 wpIndex = 0 wpTexture = report wpLatitude = -1.51615763654416 wpLongitude = 289.557623477642 wpLandlocked = False } } CONTRACT { guid = a8b5e886-80a6-4937-9f51-c49f15b69e0f type = PartTest prestige = 0 seed = 821244529 state = Offered agent = Research & Development Department deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 21600,9201600,250,250,250,0,20,15,21710.04,0,0,0 part = parachuteSingle dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = False PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = parachuteSingle notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 6800 minAlt = 2500 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 540 minSpd = 240 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = e8caef12-6caa-41b0-ab50-904c6f835f74 type = PartTest prestige = 0 seed = 1216941575 state = Offered agent = Rockomax Conglomerate deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 38631.7921490736,8228571.72775267,2183.79798998305,9829.27430653625,9735.66228744699,6,122.896,90,38968.0321490736,0,0,0 part = solidBooster1-1 dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = solidBooster1-1 notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 28600 minAlt = 24500 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 670 minSpd = 270 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = 07e28e4e-044a-401e-9bfb-9dc198fbd75c type = PartTest prestige = 0 seed = 821244504 state = Offered agent = Research & Development Department deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 43200,9201600,250,250,250,0,20,15,43310.04,0,0,0 part = solidBooster dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = False PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = solidBooster notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 10900 minAlt = 1500 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 710 minSpd = 310 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = 0f63c120-f858-4536-8902-2f906cc5c63c type = PartTest prestige = 0 seed = 1216941555 state = Offered agent = Periapsis Rocket Supplies Co deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 21600,9201600,1031,2269,2269,6,83,62,21936.24,0,0,0 part = sepMotor1 dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = sepMotor1 notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 18200 minAlt = 14500 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 780 minSpd = 480 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = cc6249f0-f77f-436d-b4b8-7d5ac989aebe type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = 1216941594 state = Offered agent = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 19285.7141017914,8215714.20736313,10395.6887629032,25278.188033418,29322.7006355524,8,576.9175,366.3462,19621.9541017914,0,0,0 part = liquidEngine2 dest = 1 sit = ORBITING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = liquidEngine2 notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = ORBITING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 96600 minAlt = 88300 useAltLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = 7c5dcfb3-1147-4799-8d18-6f4259401d34 type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = 1585151576 state = Offered agent = Research & Development Department deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 43200,9201600,1212,4850,4850,6,69,52,45304.1289477523,0,0,0 part = parachuteRadial dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = parachuteRadial notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 19300 minAlt = 10400 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 170 minSpd = 70 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = 74481de1-6cb6-4170-b755-a53c5b01a3af type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = 1675044090 state = Active agent = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 21600,9201600,925,2443.10005295277,2443.10005295277,2,67.27273,56,24164.3131176739,2572.21311767385,9204172.21311767,0 part = stackDecoupler dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = False PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = stackDecoupler notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 18100 minAlt = 11100 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 830 minSpd = 430 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = 25f3a1f5-677b-4b93-a22e-5d0f57c0c687 type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = -1198383768 state = Active agent = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 21600,9201600,9331,33724.9007309675,33724.9007309675,17,484.5454,400,22487.3599999995,1899.86894775249,9203499.86894775,0 part = radialDecoupler2 dest = 1 sit = ORBITING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = radialDecoupler2 notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = ORBITING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 101700 minAlt = 93300 useAltLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT { guid = b30260cc-4374-4dd6-b254-93f2ba1d7031 type = OrbitKerbin prestige = 2 seed = 1487435159 state = Offered agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society deadlineType = None expiryType = None values = 0,0,14763.7791931629,59055.1167726517,18750,30,142.24,0,0,0,0,0 PARAM { name = EnterOrbit state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 body = 1 } } CONTRACT { guid = 03fb08b8-e500-4953-8437-c517406bd9a4 type = PartTest prestige = 2 seed = 1675044179 state = Active agent = C7 Aerospace Division deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 43200,9201600,4107,17291,17291,41,173,130,45764.3131176739,2572.21311767385,9204172.21311767,0 part = JetEngine dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest state = Incomplete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = JetEngine notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 28000 minAlt = 23300 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Incomplete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 660 minSpd = 260 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = 6946e7b7-c820-439a-b697-a85a081db1ab type = ReachSpace prestige = 2 seed = 1487435154 state = Completed agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society deadlineType = None expiryType = None values = 0,0,9448.81868362427,29527.5583863258,12000,15,95.25,0,0,1899.86894775249,0,0 PARAM { name = ReachSpace enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = 64d82e66-70f8-455a-a53e-1f1713b284a6 type = FirstLaunch prestige = 0 seed = 1487435183 state = Completed agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society deadlineType = None expiryType = None values = 0,0,1834.86235141754,4587.15587854385,2000,5,10.9,0,0,48.1600000000019,0,0 PARAM { name = LaunchVessel enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = d20700a0-9381-4b0d-a627-3141f5d375ad type = AltitudeRecord prestige = 1 seed = 1482123529 state = Completed agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society deadlineType = None expiryType = None values = 0,0,2330.50836622715,11652.5418311358,2750,0,64.9,0,0,333.019999999987,0,0 alt = 22000 PARAM { name = AltitudeRecord enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 alt = 22000 } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = 8953c0c7-b9c7-4917-9277-d4e5fa48ed27 type = AltitudeRecord prestige = 0 seed = 1487435155 state = Completed agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society deadlineType = None expiryType = None values = 0,0,458.715587854385,2293.57793927193,500,0,10.9,0,0,48.1600000000019,0,0 alt = 5000 PARAM { name = AltitudeRecord enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 alt = 5000 } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = 7ec67f74-67be-4239-a189-b74b1b402396 type = AltitudeRecord prestige = 2 seed = -17723614 state = Completed agent = Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society deadlineType = None expiryType = None values = 0,0,6614.17307853699,33070.8653926849,8400,0,213.36,0,0,1899.86894775249,0,0 alt = 56000 PARAM { name = AltitudeRecord enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 alt = 56000 } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = db8c8a7d-05b6-44fa-8a9e-343d1957e2e8 type = PartTest prestige = 0 seed = 821244528 state = Completed agent = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 21600,9201600,497,1251.59994316101,1251.59994316101,2,38.09524,30,21710.04,333.019999999987,9201933.02,544.999999999793 part = stackDecoupler dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = False PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = stackDecoupler notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. tested = 1154829937 PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 11500 minAlt = 7300 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 690 minSpd = 390 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = 73eb0483-5aa3-475d-ace9-3da123e2117e type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = 1216941581 state = Completed agent = Research & Development Department deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 43200,9201600,2440,9761,9761,6,139,105,43536.24,1054.31999999933,9202654.32,1166.71999999923 part = parachuteRadial dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = parachuteRadial notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. tested = 884618863 PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 25900 minAlt = 22600 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 640 minSpd = 240 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = ef3f99c9-f25e-4b29-9c2c-f1ea06cb4fef type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = -1198383792 state = Completed agent = Rockomax Conglomerate deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 17377.3125589421,7402735.15010935,2496.10386211929,12011.3125041193,11792.9249452553,17,121.412,87,18264.6725589416,1559.64923095592,7404294.79934031,1643.00923095585 part = radialLiquidEngine1-2 dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = radialLiquidEngine1-2 notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. tested = 169822922 PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 25700 minAlt = 17800 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 470 minSpd = 70 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = cd066188-4b31-44c4-9dba-13b8f4c2b18b type = PartTest prestige = 0 seed = -926313285 state = Completed agent = O.M.B. Demolition Enterprises deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 21600,9201600,60,125.999994277954,125.999994277954,5,3.809524,3,22144.9999999998,1894.2289477525,9203494.22894775,1915.44894775248 part = radialDecoupler dest = 1 sit = LANDED exp = False PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = radialDecoupler notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. tested = 2937044938 PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = LANDED title = } } } CONTRACT_FINISHED { guid = 26039455-c979-4112-a6a7-f70483806380 type = PartTest prestige = 1 seed = 2116513481 state = Completed agent = Jebediah Kerman's Junkyard and Spacecraft Parts Co deadlineType = Floating expiryType = Floating values = 19285.7141017914,8215714.20736313,2500.8618543148,5868.8789338194,6807.90014755726,6,176.028,111.5385,20452.4341017906,1894.2289477525,8217608.43631088,2013.62894775239 part = liquidEngine3 dest = 1 sit = FLYING exp = True PARAM { name = PartTest id = runTest enabled = False state = Complete values = 0,0,0,0,0 part = liquidEngine3 notes = To perform the test, activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met. tested = 2550863943 PARAM { name = ReachDestination id = testDestination state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 dest = 1 title = } PARAM { name = ReachSituation id = testSituation state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 sit = FLYING title = } PARAM { name = ReachAltitudeEnvelope id = testAltitudeEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxAlt = 33300 minAlt = 24600 useAltLimit = True title = } PARAM { name = ReachSpeedEnvelope id = testSpeedEnvelope state = Complete disableOnStateChange = False values = 0,0,0,0,0 maxSpd = 370 minSpd = 170 useSpdLimit = True title = } } } } } SCENARIO { name = Funding scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 funds = 71963.814778855 } SCENARIO { name = ProgressTracking scene = 7, 8, 5 Progress { FirstLaunch { completed = 100.019999999997 } FirstCrewToSurvive { completed = 326.219999999993 crew { crews = Jebediah Kerman } } AltitudeRecord { completed = 2104.10894775231 record = 70000 } ReachedSpace { completed = 2104.10894775231 vessel { name = a2 flag = Squad/Flags/default } crew { crews = Bob Kerman } } Kerbin { reached = 303.340000000014 Landing { completed = 303.340000000014 vessel { name = Untitled Space Craft flag = Squad/Flags/default } crew { crews = Jebediah Kerman } } Splashdown { completed = 2496.23311767392 } SurfaceEVA { completed = 454.659999999875 crew { crews = Bob Kerman } } } } } SCENARIO { name = ResearchAndDevelopment scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 sci = 57.69784 Tech { id = start state = Available part = mk1pod part = liquidEngine part = solidBooster part = fuelTankSmall part = trussPiece1x part = longAntenna part = parachuteSingle } Tech { id = basicRocketry state = Available part = fuelTankSmallFlat part = fuelTank part = GooExperiment part = stackDecoupler } Tech { id = generalRocketry state = Available part = liquidEngine2 part = solidBooster1-1 part = sepMotor1 } Tech { id = stability state = Available part = noseCone part = winglet part = radialDecoupler } Tech { id = survivability state = Available part = liquidEngine3 part = landingLeg1 part = parachuteRadial } Tech { id = flightControl state = Available part = R8winglet part = sasModule part = Mark1Cockpit part = probeCoreSphere part = wingConnector2 part = StandardCtrlSrf } Science { id = crewReport@KerbinSrfLandedCrawlerway title = Crew Report from Crawlerway dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 0.3 sci = 1.5 cap = 1.5 } Science { id = recovery@KerbinFlew title = Recovery of a vessel that survived a flight. dsc = 1 scv = 0.0001286666 sbv = 5 sci = 5.999228 cap = 6 } Science { id = mysteryGoo@KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad title = Mystery Gooò„ў Observation from LaunchPad dsc = 1 scv = 0.2307692 sbv = 0.3 sci = 3 cap = 3.9 } Science { id = evaReport@KerbinFlyingLowShores title = EVA Report while flying over Kerbin's Shores dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 0.7 sci = 5.6 cap = 5.6 } Science { id = mysteryGoo@KerbinFlyingHigh title = Mystery Gooò„ў Observation from Kerbin's upper atmosphere dsc = 1 scv = 0.0532544 sbv = 0.9 sci = 11.07692 cap = 11.7 } Science { id = crewReport@KerbinFlyingHigh title = Crew Report from Kerbin's upper atmosphere dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 0.9 sci = 4.5 cap = 4.5 } Science { id = evaReport@KerbinSrfLandedHighlands title = EVA Report from Kerbin's Highlands dsc = 1 scv = 1 sbv = 0.3 sci = 0 cap = 2.4 } Science { id = mysteryGoo@KerbinFlyingLow title = Mystery Gooò„ў Observation while flying at Kerbin dsc = 1 scv = 0.2307692 sbv = 0.7 sci = 7 cap = 9.099999 } Science { id = crewReport@KerbinFlyingLowShores title = Crew Report while flying over Kerbin's Shores dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 0.7 sci = 3.5 cap = 3.5 } Science { id = evaReport@KerbinSrfLandedGrasslands title = EVA Report from Kerbin's Grasslands dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 0.3 sci = 2.4 cap = 2.4 } Science { id = mysteryGoo@KerbinInSpaceLow title = Mystery Gooò„ў Observation while in space near Kerbin dsc = 1 scv = 0.2307692 sbv = 1 sci = 10 cap = 13 } Science { id = crewReport@KerbinInSpaceLow title = Crew Report while in space near Kerbin dsc = 1 scv = 0 sbv = 1 sci = 5 cap = 5 } Science { id = recovery@KerbinSubOrbited title = Recovery of a vessel after a sub-orbital flight. dsc = 1 scv = 0.1666667 sbv = 8 sci = 8 cap = 9.6 } ExpParts { radialDecoupler2 = 1 JetEngine = 1 } } SCENARIO { name = VesselRecovery scene = 5, 7, 8, 6 } SCENARIO { name = Reputation scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 rep = 676.582 } SCENARIO { name = StrategySystem scene = 7, 8, 5, 6 STRATEGIES { STRATEGY { name = OutsourcedResearchCfg date = 2566.13311767386 factor = 0.25 EFFECT { name = CurrencyConverter } } } } SCENARIO { name = ScenarioDestructibles scene = 5, 7, 6, 8 SpaceCenter/Administration/Facility/mainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/AstronautComplex/Facility/building { intact = True } SpaceCenter/LaunchPad/Facility/LaunchPadMedium/KSCFlagPoleLaunchPad { intact = True } SpaceCenter/LaunchPad/Facility/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_waterTower { intact = True } SpaceCenter/LaunchPad/Facility/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_sphereTank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/LaunchPad/Facility/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_launchPad { intact = True } SpaceCenter/LaunchPad/Facility/LaunchPadMedium/ksp_pad_cylTank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/MissionControl/Facility/building { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/SideLab { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/Observatory { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/WindTunnel { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/CornerLab { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/MainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/CentralBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/SmallLab { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/ksp_pad_cylTank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/Section4 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/Section3 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/Section2 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/Section1 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/End27 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/End09 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_SW { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_NW { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_NE { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Runway/Facility/model_runway_new_v43/runway_light_SE { intact = True } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar/Facility/mainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar/Facility/ksp_pad_waterTower { intact = True } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar/Facility/ksp_pad_cylTank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar/Facility/Tank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation/Facility/MainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation/Facility/dish_array/dish_east { intact = True } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation/Facility/dish_array/dish_north { intact = True } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation/Facility/dish_array/dish_south { intact = True } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding/Facility/PodMemorial { intact = True } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding/Facility/mainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding/Facility/Tank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding/Facility/ksp_pad_cylTank { intact = True } SpaceCenter/FlagPole/Facility { intact = True } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding/Facility/VAB2 { intact = True } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation/Facility/building { intact = True } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation/Facility/OuterDish { intact = True } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar/Facility/Building { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/mainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment/Facility/ForeverAlone { intact = True } SpaceCenter/MissionControl/Facility/mainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/LaunchPad/Facility/Flag { intact = True } SpaceCenter/AstronautComplex/Facility/mainBuilding { intact = True } SpaceCenter/Administration/Facility/Building { intact = True } SpaceCenter/MissionControl/Facility/Antenna { intact = True } } SCENARIO { name = ScenarioDiscoverableObjects scene = 7, 8, 5 = 0 sizeCurve { key = 0 0 1.5 1.5 key = 0.3 0.45 0.875 0.875 key = 0.7 0.55 0.875 0.875 key = 1 1 1.5 1.5 } } SCENARIO { name = ScenarioUpgradeableFacilities scene = 5, 6, 7, 8 SpaceCenter/LaunchPad { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/Runway { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/VehicleAssemblyBuilding { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/SpaceplaneHangar { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/TrackingStation { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/AstronautComplex { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/MissionControl { lvl = 0.5 } SpaceCenter/ResearchAndDevelopment { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/Administration { lvl = 0 } SpaceCenter/FlagPole { lvl = 0 } } FLIGHTSTATE { version = 0.90.0 UT = 2573.77311767385 activeVessel = 0 mapViewFiltering = 1022 } ROSTER { KERBAL { name = Bob Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.3 dumb = 0.1 badS = False state = Available ToD = 0 idx = 0 CAREER_LOG { flight = 7 0 = Recover 1 = ExitVessel,Kerbin 1 = Flight,Kerbin 1 = BoardVessel,Kerbin 1 = Recover 2 = Flight,Kerbin 2 = Land,Kerbin 2 = ExitVessel,Kerbin 2 = BoardVessel,Kerbin 2 = Recover 3 = Flight,Kerbin 3 = Land,Kerbin 3 = Recover 4 = Flight,Kerbin 4 = Land,Kerbin 4 = ExitVessel,Kerbin 4 = BoardVessel,Kerbin 4 = Recover 5 = Flight,Kerbin 5 = Land,Kerbin 5 = Recover 6 = Flight,Kerbin 6 = Suborbit,Kerbin 6 = Land,Kerbin 6 = Recover } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 7 } } KERBAL { name = Sidrie Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.2704677 dumb = 0.747542 badS = False state = Available ToD = 215621.401688232 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Obrick Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.03540826 dumb = 0.6725812 badS = False state = Available ToD = 202668.170639648 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Genelo Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.3704343 dumb = 0.9549651 badS = False state = Available ToD = 251464.111801758 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Bobden Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.5274766 dumb = 0.9051508 badS = False state = Available ToD = 242856.193253174 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Rodbles Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.3740483 dumb = 0.2205523 badS = True state = Available ToD = 124557.581802979 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Kerwise Kerman type = Crew brave = 0.6842767 dumb = 0.4437913 badS = False state = Available ToD = 163133.281799927 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Elnand Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.5023142 dumb = 0.7899648 badS = False state = Available ToD = 222952.056595459 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Shepsy Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.8576876 dumb = 0.714015 badS = False state = Available ToD = 212344.666330564 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Jerfen Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.1740845 dumb = 0.631255 badS = False state = Available ToD = 198043.742410887 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } KERBAL { name = Burkin Kerman type = Applicant brave = 0.8288175 dumb = 0.9406966 badS = False state = Available ToD = 251515.245096434 idx = -1 CAREER_LOG { flight = 0 } FLIGHT_LOG { flight = 0 } } } MESSAGESYSTEM { flash = False } }
  7. KSP Version: v0.90.0.705 Steam Windows Xp 32-bit What Happens: Stuck in menu, Career mode Mods / Add-Ons: none Steps to Replicate: 1 Enter "Mission control" building 2 Accept some contracts Result: Stuck in menu. After reload cannot enter any building image http://imgur.com/cVuzaai
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