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Everything posted by 0phoff

  1. Sorry for the late response but I stopped checking this thread after a while... And i had image in my folder, which i could access
  2. It seems this works in 0.90 but while looking for a reason why it takes so long to load my ships I found out that I got a bunch of NullReferences in the Debug Window... :s Took a look at the KSP log.txt and it seems to be caused by Clouds.update() (which I presumes comes from EVE) I know this mod has not officially updated to 0.90 and thats probably the reason why but i though it might be good to post it here so that, once someone updates it, they'll look into this as well! Heres a part of the KSP log: (i get this Nullreference about 20 times every time I load a new or existing ship or when i go into the Tracking Station..) [EXC 12:57:06.820] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Clouds.Clouds.Update () Please tell me if its not EVE, but me, doing something wrong! thanks!
  3. Hey, First of all this is a great mod! I love to be able to see my dV maps ingame!! Now my game works with this mod and many other mods (probably too many mods but yeah.. ), but i had some FPS drops and whatnot and started looking at the debug window and ksp log etc. and found out I had a constant stream of Argument Out of Range Exceptions.. While looking at the KSP log they seem to originate from your mod.. :s Because I have loads of mods I cant be sure but I thought i would post it here.. Ill try loading my game without this mod and see if the exception persists!! this is what Keeps getting spammed in the Debug and KSP log.txt: [EXC 12:25:14.612] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index System.Collections.Generic.List`1[system.String].get_Item (Int32 index) img_viewer.ImgViewer.Update () EDIT: Loaded without ImgViewer 0.2.2 and i dont get the Exceptions any more so it seems to be caused by your mod.. Or your mod in conjunction with another mod... :s Hope you can fix it or tell me what I might be doing wrong...
  4. hmm tried converting my texture files to DDS to use it with DDSLoader, but now my textures dont work anymore? Anyone knows if textureReplacer works with DDS? (I converted them to DXT1 or DXT5 like the author said in the DDSLoader thread..) EDIT: I reverted to png's and used DDS4KSP converter and now its working! I dont understand why it didnt work when i converted it though... I used Nvidia's plugin for Photoshop.. The only difference I can see is that my files had Uppercase Extension and with the converter its LowerCase but I thought that it didnt matter wether your extension is Upper or LowerCase... Any explanation/link about DDS conversion and how it works would be appreciated cause I wanna know what I did wrong!
  5. So its stable enough to start a career with this mod?
  6. Thanks, I think i figured it out! Theres still that visual bug though... (or at least I think its a bug) Made a stupid little thing to test out IR stuff
  7. Could someone explain me how piston work? Or maybe send me a link to a tutorial? I Played with it for a bit but i dont think I understand it completely... I managed to attach multiple segments to eachother and attach one end of that combined piston to a pod but how do you connect the other pod? do you have to radially attach it? (like I did in the picture..) Also why is there a space between the piston and my pod? This is how I got it working: http://imgur.com/vGQGxET Space Between Pod and piston: http://imgur.com/HcfL9mO EDIT: When I reloaded my rocket to take some more pictures this happened... (I fixed it by going to the VAB and launching it again...) http://imgur.com/WvDAK0S
  8. While working on my TexturePack, I was thinking of a better way to implement those different levels... Instead of only allowing levels, maybe you could add the ability to set really specified suits like this: CustomSuit { Name = SuitDir Gender = Male|Female Perk = Pilot|Engineer|Scientist Head = HeadName ... } You wouldnt have to specify everything (if you dont fill in something it would be seen as a wildcard/blank), but this would allow to have some specified but still random generation of kerbals! Do what you want with it Shaw, its just a little idea..
  9. Looks Nice! How would it work? Manually giving them their suits I guess? I'm working on an assembly where I group my favourite parts! might upload it once its finished!
  10. Ow, so with experience you mean which class they belong to and not how many stars (how much exp) they have for their class... :/ Ok i'll have to change my plans a bit... This could be a suggestion for a new feature though... It would be nice to have special suits for different levels! (eg: 0star engineer, 1 star engineer, ... , 5star engineer)
  11. In the config, under the CustomKerbals tab, enter Bill Kerman = [HeadTexture] [suitTextureDir] where HeadTexture is the image for his head (found in Head folder) and SuitTextureDir is the name of the directory of the suit you want (in the suits folder) Or you could go to the PerkSuits tab and change Pilot = Suit1 to Pilot = [suitTextureDir] to change the suits of ALL the pilot Kerbals in your game! (dont forget to remove the // at the start of that line..) EDIT: You can achieve the same thing ingame (see Shaw's post below...)
  12. Could someone explain how to set up experience based suits? The cfg says its possible but does not explain how... :/ Also, do my suits need to have every piece? are could i have a suit that just changes the jetpack and takes the rest from another suit (maybe the default)? Any help would be appreciated... This is what i'd want: * Basic pilot/engineer/scientist suits (I've set these suits as the default suits for each role) * Master pilot/engineer/scientist suits (when they have all the stars... This is the thing I dont know how to do...) * I'd want male and female version of those six types of suits. If I understand the cfg correctly that would mean putting 2 suits for each type and then saying one of them is female suit? English is not my native language so sorry if im not clear enough..
  13. AlewX do you have a release for 0.90? Or an ETA for a release? I might be a bit impatient but i'd really like to have this mod for my space station! Also wouldnt it be a good idea to start a new thread so you can change the title with new releases? dont know if you need permission from ubioZur for that though...
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