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Posts posted by falco1010

  1. Around 25 minutes and 28 seconds with Realism Overhaul and all the suggested mods ... (3 GB in GameData folder)

    • 8 GB of RAM
    • Intel Core i5-3350P CPU @ 3.10GHz
    • 64 Bits Windows 10 with KSP 64 bits
    • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
    • (I don't know my hard disk specs but it's not a SSD)

    EDIT: It just crashed :confused:

  2. Yes, it's the complete list. For the reproduction steps, reverting from any point, with any craft, at any given time cause the bug but sometimes the bug don't appears at the first place but after restarting the game. I do have one mods that is interacting with the part list wich is QuickScroll that allows me to scroll to a specific page using the mouse scroll. I'm not sure if editor extensions modify the parts list but it could. TweakableEverything only modifies parts, not the parts list.

  3. Really sorry guys for my rudeness and incompetence. I'll see if I can fix the problem differently. And yes, the font size was a bit too much, sorry I didn't see the final post :blush:

    - - - Updated - - -

    I just did the test without the mods that require CRP and it works fine. I'll add each mods one by one and see if the problem is still here.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The problem reappeared with Kolonization added. I will remove it and just the other mod that requires CRP and I will see. Could it be a bug between USI Life Support and Kolonization who work together (and probably with something else) ?

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's definitely a problem with Kolonization and something else. After removing it, the problem disapears.

    - - - Updated - - -

    After removing Kolonization and keeping USI Life Support: no problems, after removing only USI Life Support and keeping Kolonization: no problems, after keeping the two: the problem appears so the problem comes with an incompatibility between Kolonization and USI Life Support and propably something else. It's pretty hard to tell where the problem comes from so if you have any more clues with that please inform me. Thank you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Oh the bug just randomly appears so I was wrong it's a problem with Kolonization and an other thing. (So many updates on this post :D)

    EDIT: This bug just re-appears even without Kolonization.

  4. Temporary Workaround:

    Sorry for not answering anyone on this thread, I totally forgot it x) The problem comes obviously from CRP and the new stock ressource system.

    The only fix is to reset the ressources scan data. To do that edit your persistent.sfs file and then find and delete that:

    PlanetId = <RANDOM NUMBER>

    KSP:1.0 KSP Windows 8.1 64-Bits (but using KSP 32-Bits)

    Problem: After reverting to SPH/VAB, the parts don't show.

    It looks like that:


    Mods installed:


    Reproduction steps:

    Revert flight to VAB/SPH.

    Log file: Download

  5. KSP: 0.90 Windows 64-Bits

    Mods Installed:

    • Aerojet Kerbodyne
    • AIES Aerospace
    • Atmospheric Sound Enhancement
    • Atomic Age
    • B9 Aerospace
    • B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts
    • Better Atmospheres
    • Better Buyoancy
    • BoxSat
    • DeadlyReentry
    • Distant Object Enhancement
    • Diverse Kerbal Heads
    • Docking Port Alignment
    • Editor Extensions
    • Environmental Visual Enhancements
    • USI Exploration Pack
    • Multiple Procedural Parts Textures
    • FASA Asteroids
    • FASA
    • Firespitter
    • HotRockets
    • HyperEdit
    • Infernal Robotics Rework (All 4 packages)
    • Js Suits Pack
    • KAS
    • Kerbal Alarm Clock
    • Kerbal Foundries
    • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
    • Kerbal Engineer
    • kOS Scriptable AutoPilot System
    • KSPX
    • KW Rocketry
    • Launchers Pack
    • Lack Luster Labs
    • Infernal Robotics
    • MCM
    • Mechjeb 2
    • MKS
    • Modular Rocket System
    • Near Future Technologies (All Packages)
    • NEAR
    • NovaPunch
    • Oblivion Aerospace Pack
    • OPT Space Plane Parts
    • PlanetShine
    • Procedural Wings
    • Procedural Parts
    • Procedural Fairings
    • QuickMute
    • QuickScroll
    • QuizTECH
    • Rovers And Roadsters
    • SCANsat
    • ShowAllFuels
    • Snacks
    • Snacks Parts By Waren
    • SXT
    • TextureReplacer
    • Throttle Controlled Avionics
    • Toolbar
    • Tweakable Everything
    • TweakScale

    Log: Download

    NOTE:This bug is reported on different versions of KSP with different mods and my computer has some problem with some applications where memory isn't used.

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