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Posts posted by falco1010

  1. Okay, still something weird is going on, ModuleManager is running more then once.

    You don't have more then one ModuleManager.dll file in your GameData correct? (The actual file name will be ModuleManager2.5.9.dll with the version number, keep the latest version.)


    Ok. I'm definitely stupid. Removing modulemanager useless versions ! :P

    - - - Updated - - -

    After doing that the game can't load a KWRocketry part. Log File : View OR Download

  2. Ouch.

    [EXC 19:49:48.808] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    FlightGlobals.get_Bodies ()
    PlanetShine.ConfigManager.LoadSettings ()
    PlanetShine.ConfigManager.Start ()

    This is a straight forward nullref. Is PlanetShine updated for 0.90?

    [LOG 19:55:08.746] Load(Model): FASA/Apollo/ApolloCSM/Apollo_SM_Light
    [ERR 19:55:08.769] Texture 'FASA/Apollo/ApolloCSM/FoilWhite' not found!

    [ERR 19:55:21.277] Texture 'KAS/Parts/cPort2/winch_N' not found!

    [ERR 19:55:30.971] File error:
    Failed to read past end of stream.
    at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer (Int32 numBytes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt32 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at A. .ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at A. . (.UrlFile ) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    [WRN 19:55:30.973] Model load error in 'C:\Games\KSP\GameData\LLL\Parts\Utility\Grill\modelx.mu'

    These are stranger. The first two are missing texture files. I saw an ATM pass in the log earlier, maybe ATM is screwing up? Can you run a test without it?

    The 3rd however is it found the file, started reading it and was unable to finish, which completely stumps me. I have no clue what could be causing that.

    [ERR 19:57:50.046] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'KethaneConverter'

    It also looks like you installed some parts from Kethane, but not the plugin .dll files somehow?

    At this point, I'd go back to a pure stock install, make sure that works, then start adding mods back in in small batches to try and get things straightened out.


    You're so nice ! I'll test everything then I'll tell you what is'nt working.

    EDIT: Planetshine is updated to 0.90 but I'll delete it so It will remove one problem, I added Kethane and I don't have ATM.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Ok now the game can't load a part from B9 Aerospace. Here's the log file : View OR Download

    - - - Updated - - -

    Now it can't load "ModuleManager: FINAL". Here's the second log file : View OR Download

    - - - Updated - - -

    The game loaded. Here's the log file : View OR Download

    EDIT: After loaded, the game didn't want to load vessels with Karbonite stuff. I'm going to re-copy files from karbonite in my GameData folder.

  3. As it seems to be a file access issue and you mentioned it occurred on previous versions also, have you tried moving the game to a custom location such as C:\Games\KSP ?

    It sounds like windows security is blocking access to "System Folders" on you.


    thank you ! I'll try soon :).

    - - - Updated - - -

    As it seems to be a file access issue and you mentioned it occurred on previous versions also, have you tried moving the game to a custom location such as C:\Games\KSP ?

    It sounds like windows security is blocking access to "System Folders" on you.


    Thank you !!! It's working now and I found myself pretty stupid ... Fly safe and continue modding :D!

  4. This thread resulted in failure and was terrible so I decided to delete it.

    FOUND A SOLUTION ! : Simply resetting settings.cfg !

    KSP: 0.90 Windows 8.1 64-Bits

    Problem: Half the time, KSP can't load "ModuleManager:FINAL".

    EDIT: And, sometimes, I can't even access to any of my saves that aren't corrupted and some mods don't work (and a total re-installation is needed)

    Note: This problem occured in older versions of KSP with other mods

    Mods Installed:

    • Atmospheric Sound Enhancement (V2.11)
    • AtomicAge
    • B9 Aerospace Pack (R4.2.7)
    • Bahamuto EL Parts (V1.2)
    • Better Buoyancy (V1.0)
    • Different Procedural Parts Textures
    • Distant Object Enhancement (V1.5.1)
    • Diverse Kerbal Heads (V1.0) for TextureReplacer
    • Docking Port Alignement (V4.0)
    • Editor Extensions (V2.2)
    • Environmental Visual Enhancements (V7-4)
    • USI Exploration Pack (V0.3.0)
    • Extraplanetary Launchpads (V5.0.0)
    • FASA (V5.20)
    • Ferram Aerospace Research (V0.14.6)
    • Firespitter (I think its V7.0.0)
    • Hot Rockets (V7.25)
    • HyperEdit (V1.3)
    • Js Suit Pack
    • Karbonite (V0.5.1)
    • Karbonite EL Conversion (V24)
    • KAS (V0.4.10)
    • Kerbal Alarm Clock (V3.2.2.0)
    • Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (V2.4.5)
    • Kerbal Engineer (V1.0.14.1)
    • KarbonitePlus (V0.3.0)
    • KSPX (V0.2.7)
    • KW Rocketry (V2.6d2)
    • Lack Luster Lab (V13.1)
    • Infernal Robotics (V0.19.3)
    • MCM
    • MechJeb 2 (V2.4.2.0)
    • MKS (V0.22.1)
    • Modular Rocket Systems (V1.4.3)
    • Near Future Electrical (V0.3.1)
    • Near Future Propulsion (V0.4.0)
    • Near Future Solar (V0.4.0)
    • OPT Space Plane Parts (V1.4.9)
    • PlanetShine (V0.2.2.1)
    • Procedural Parts (V0.9.21)
    • Procedural Fairings (V3.11)
    • Real Solar System (V8.5)
    • Rovers And Roasters (V0.4)
    • ScanSat (V9rc4.1)
    • ShowAllFuels (V1)
    • SXT (V19)
    • TextureReplacer (V2.1.2)
    • Toolbar (V1.7.8)
    • Tweakable Everything (V1.6)
    • TweakScale (V1.50)
    • ScenJumper (0.21)
    • WarpDrive (V0.1.1)
    • Module Manager (In version : 2.5.1 ; 2.5.4 ; 2.5.6 ; 2.5.8
    • ADDED Kethane (V0.9.2)

    GameData Folder:


    Log: View OR Download

    My "settings.cfg" File : View OR Download

  5. I don't know if that a bug or it's just me but, on a modded ksp install, I can't activate the warp drive. It starts the bubble effect but then it collapses and the engine shutdowns. I was 525 000 meters high from kerbin with a ton of electric charge, xenon gas and exotic matter. And also, do I need to start charging exotic matter even if the alcubierre drive is full of it ?

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