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Everything posted by Joshman1306

  1. Since they don\'t have any rockets or RCS, I doubt that they could make it out of the atmosphere. They were mostly intended for low-mid altitude flying. Feel free to modify them if you want them to be able to go to the Mun.
  2. Hey guys, I was looking around the forums and decided to give \'posting my creations\' a try. Some are just meant for playing around but some do have specific purposes in mind. Screenshots can be found in the attachments since I don\'t know how to add them into the text. DART -L Direct-Action-Required-To Land (jk, it\'s actually -lift, as in \'it requires you to point the nose towards the ground\') Pretty wide wingspan and only 1 engine. Plenty of fuel for long flights. Not the most efficient plane but it does have a lot of lift (takes off at around 70m/s) Surprisingly maneuverable. Note: It is almost perfectly balanced upon take-off but as the front tanks empty it will start tilting up (around 5 mins into flight). A way to fix this is to disable fuel flow from the front tanks until the rear ones are drained. HAR-P High-Altitude-Reconnaissance Plane Pretty much just aim up at about 70 degrees until you get to around 8000m then activate the high altitude engine. Cruising : 15000m @ 380m/s Sorry it\'s not more stable but it does a pretty good job of remaining airborne for a long time. Shuriken A-50 Basically, it flies really well, looks awesome and lands like a butterfly
  3. Hey, sorry I can\'t be intelligent and look this up myself but I was wanting to do some satellite positioning and I had some questions. I\'m hearing a lot of conflicting information about controlling ejected debris. There are these new crew tank mods and I was wondering whether or not you can control them with mechjeb, if not can you control them at all? I know a command pod has all these settings or configurations in the part folder but does the debris need to have a command pod or not? Sorry for the trouble, thanks in advance. : )
  4. Hey guys. I updated to 0.16 and I launched a rocket to get to the Mun. Everything went fine except for when I decoupled my stage. As it usually does, it continued on its orbit but since its periapsis was at 20,000m I decided to check and see what it would do. I noticed that it did not experience atmospheric drag as you would expect until after I had switched to make it my current vessel. Has this always been the case and if not, is there a way to fix it? Thanks in advance.
  5. Does it count if I went through the moon and exploded as I touched the other side?
  6. help please whenever i launch a spaceplane down the runway on a 90 degree heading it always turns to the left. I now launch my planes manually but I really want to set up an autopilot to get into orbit
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