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Ker Man

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Everything posted by Ker Man

  1. Inside GameData PlanetFactory there's a dll and all the planet assets are arranged in sub sub-folders, it's just the way it's built. All are .png files. Is there a condition where ATM won't cache, even if there are compressible files in a place?
  2. GameData folder screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/hjig23z83/ Contents of PlanetFactory.cfg ACTIVE_TEXTURE_MANAGER_CONFIG { folder = PlanetFactory enabled = true } Contents of TextureCache: http://postimg.org/image/axisyzjnv/ Thank you
  3. Through the process of fussing endlessly with badly supported and undocumented mods whose behaviours are hidden inside dll files I am burning out hard on this game and can say if nobody has an answer, which I find hard to believe, regarding planetfactory folder png compression then ATM Planetfactory and the rest of this lot are going to have a permanent home in the recycle bin. What is the status of this mod working on Planetfactory? Why was support apparently removed? Why will my config file replacement do absolutely nothing at all despite being exactly the same except for the folder reference, as any of the other configs?
  4. Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 8GB RAM KSP 0.90.0 Log - http://sharetext.org/LqxR I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere but I can't find recent information, I have been trying to run ATM on my PlanetFactory folder inside Gamedata. I understand ATM is based inside it's own folder in GameData now, as previous information related to a release in the past that had the folder inside BoulderCo. At some point there was support for compressing the textures in the PlanetFactory folder but this seems to have been removed as there was no PlanetFactory.cfg in the ATM\ActiveTextureManagerConfigs folder. I created one of my own with just the simple flag to enable and point to the PlanetFactory folder. I have ATM in it's own folder in GameData, with a cfg I created for PF inside the configs folder. I can see it has cached textures from some of but not all of my other mods, the ones with cfgs. This hasn't created cache for PlanetFactory despite having created a cfg for the same name and all names are exactly the same in case and type, and I'm still getting crashes when I try to load these planets I'm playing with. All the assets are typical and or derivations of the given examples provided in a number of planet packs. I have tested them in groups to confirm it's a matter of memory volume, it just can't handle all at once, but maybe it could if this would work. Does anyone know what the status of this is for use on PF?
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