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    Curious George
  1. I wouldn't call Spintires a physics game. It has physics implemented, but it's not essential element of the gameplay. Regarding some physic sandboxes I can recommend Phun / Algodoo and Universe Sandbox.
  2. I wanted to do some calculations on rocket trajectories and used some stats provided in the building menu, in particularly the fuel consumption rate (FCR) on the total amount of fuel. I originally assumed that the displayed stats correspond to internal values used by the game, however taking a look at the RT-10 Solid Fuel Booster engine shows that somethings seems to be slightly off. The engine has a total amount total of amount fuel units TF = 433.0. The fuel consumption rate reads FCR = 15.0864/s. Sow the burn time (BT) of the solid fuel engine is just given by BT = TF/FCR = (433.0/15.0864)*s = 28.70 s. However when I measured the actual burn time it was rather something like ~30s. So in total a deviation of 1.3 seconds. This is more than four times of my personal reaction times, so I'm really guessing the stats displayed in the menus are either incorrect or wrongly interpreted by me. Can anyone shine a light on this?
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