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Everything posted by jyoumon

  1. Might be a stupid question but...Is there a way to get cockpit view? its incredibly hard to align with ANYTHING without a solid STATIC view >_<
  2. Well youve made it farther than i have XD So far the toll is: 150 kerbians pronounced Deceased 2.9 Trillion dollars worth of equipment destroyed and or unrecoverable in the depths of space 3 successful.....Survivable landings 1 successful mun....visit...
  3. Is it just me or is it hot in here? This is what happens when you hit space and forget its NOT ignition ;
  4. trust me right now i have a craft that looks kinda nasty, uses Down under and silisko parts. parachute<SAS<Command<Decoupler<Mei Long Fuel/Lander< Decoupler<2m PT-4E Tank<LV-X850(Secondary long term low use engine mostly insertions)<4x Long Decouplers< FL-T800 fuel tanks<4x 2m PT-4E Tanks<4x LV-X850\'s So far ..ive reached orbit, munar insertion, and almost a landing..but ran out of fuel just short of full insertion..too fast >_<
  5. im actually working well with the system i have now: Parachute | Command | Stack decoupler | ADV SAS | RCS fuel/RCS\'s x4 | small fuel tank | small engine | stack Decoupler | EVERYTHING ELSE!
  6. WOOHOO, I made it to the sun and Orbiting!...wait...ohh crud..now im a new celestial body ;
  7. i tried >_<, i could never get a design to burn long enough and be stable in flight long enough to REACH upper atmosphere..even with SAS and RCS systems balancing AND my own intervention, i cant get it to stay there XD
  8. Sofar the only way ive been able to even break atmosphere, is with about 18 SRB\'s 4 BigBertha engines, and enough fuel tanks to make the Marshmallow factory explosion look like it was an M80 firecracker >_<
  9. WOOT, you were right, with a little help from the Silisko and the C7 mods I MADE ORBIT......with no fuel left ;
  10. Yep, new pilot on the deck 8) have YET to get into orbit XD but ive built so many Engines on these things....im starting to wonder if its entirely possible with vanilla pack?!
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