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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Certainly improves the way aircraft flew in base KSP. That much is certain. However, I'm seeing some VERY incorrect physics at play now when rockets are in near space. One acted like a pendulum tonight. Amusing, but wrong. My Kerbalnaut screamed for a full 7 minutes and 18 seconds before he impacted kerba-firma. Someone at mission control could be heard a second after the firey impact saying, "he took a long ride on a short int." This is what happens when 32 bit code tries to calculate 64-bit calculus problems. *sigh*
  2. Think my recent flight over the mountains to the north east of KSP launch pad qualifies as interesting. I've dubbed the mountain where the river cuts through its eastern slope as 'Saw-back' mountain due to the rather pixelicious outlines :-)
  3. Still broken. I tried registering under a different login and using an email addy I use for automation projects and this time it did print, "Account was successfully created. To activate your account, click on the link that was emailed to you." Alas, still no confirmation email. You know it's a bad day when your bug tracking tool becomes buggy.
  4. Just tried to register with the bug tracker site, enter my name et al, everything ok there. No errors, no feedback for missing or invalid fields. Click on 'sign in' and enter my credentials. "Invalid user or bad password" Try again.. Same. Try re-registering. "User already taken" "Email already used" Ok. Tried clicking "forgot password" even though I just entered it 4x "Unknown user" What? You can't have it both ways. I suspect they left off the "Register email click on link" litany, but none have showed up, and there was nothing after entering my information about a confirmation email.
  5. We're saying the same thing, just differently. Yes, the transmitted science goes into the bank right away. (I only stated that I checked for this AFTER the mission ended is all...) Nonetheless, I figured it out last night. The trouble begins with my own perceptions of how things work. In some respects, my intimate familiarity with some of these things actually puts me at a disadvantage when it comes to playing with them in a game. You see, I _expect_ them to work the way they actually do in the real world. Ha. My failing here. The problem is that when you transmit, despite the misleading text in the pop-up, it is only giving you a percentage of the real science value, and NOT as a kind of bonus. It's the opposite! It's as if the data transmit option were created by a mind that only a loan shark could love. In the real world, real time telemetry is extremely valuable, hence my *impression* that the transmitting of data actually gave you a _bonus_ of x% on top of the actual. BZZZT! Wrong! It's penalizing you for being astute and careful and cognizant of the massive tax-payer burden these programs cost. Poor Kerballians. And there's the rub. Real scientists and engineers in these types of programs will tell you that remote telemetry on manned or unmanned vehicles is somewhat mission critical. One never knows what will happen, so data is collected and almost immediately transmitted back to a ground station. (Like Pine Gap in Alice Springs, NT Australia...) That's just the way it is. Going into the game with this mindset and life experience cost me a WHOLE lot of science points. Argh. *slaps forehead repeatedly* So the mystery of the missing science points is now solved. It's not a bug, just an unfortunate feature. It does make perfect sense from a game perspective; encourage the player to return everything safely. *Shucks* And here I thought it was great fun to practice plotting my re-entry trajectory right over the space center and jettison my 'garbage' prior to opening the parachute. I'd just make one remark for the "Lieutenant general chimpanzee with Raybans" developers: Change the color bar of the Transmit Data option to something like a proportionate shade of red or amber when it's going to be less than 100% point value. The confusion here is also compounded when you use the science lab and it actually gives you the advertised bonus for "transmitting." Otherwise, great game. Loads of fun..and cool logo, btw. Cheers and Happy New Year, -Red
  6. I fully appreciate that. It was late for me and wrote the note much too late to gather the data. My fault, but rest assured, unless I'm beginning to suffer from early-onset dementia (a distinct possibility, since I'm still tinkering with computer games and not out doing real science or engineering) I'm pretty confident there's some hanky-panky going on with the science award values. I don't know about your travels, but my screen shows what each experiment is supposedly worth when you click on the particular experiment, and I'm quite aware of the lessening value of repeat experiments. (Personally, I think these little guys should get at least some ice cream for successfully surviving _anything_ I design...) Yes, and when transmitted, my TOTAL science points should go up by the advertised amount when I check after the mission ends. They don't. I'll capture some data and some screen shots. Seems like it might be connected with the action of transmitting ONE experiment but not the other. It was very odd. I was **VERY** careful the last couple of launches to scrutinize every last angle and dangle. At first I wondered if there is/was something about the Stayputnik itself that I was missing - perhaps some extra-relativistic property that made its mass square directly proportionally to the distance from Kerbal. *Shrug.* Closed the game down, restarted and it was like nothing ever happened. Somewhere, I suspect, is some evil Kerbalnaut laughing his green arse off behind a locker full of green goop. Thanks - good to see and be a part of an active community! Nah, not looking to become another denizen of JR. Tolkein's imagination. Just trying to gently point something out. Give an old guy a break already. Regards, -Red
  7. Re: Die. I briefly considered posting a very graphical depiction of this - one of my poor Kerbanaut re-entering the atmosphere in only his flimsy spacesuit - but have reconsidered. Needless to say, I don't want to frighten the rest of the team who may stumble upon the photo; his eyes wide, mouth agape, searing flames surrounding his pale green little frame seconds before he turned into a supersonic ash cloud. That kind of 'die.' My kerbonauts were told he's on permanent vacation in the deepest darkest woods of Tasmania. I hope you understand. Re mods: No mods. Hence my posting to this specific forum. D'OH!! This one's on me. . Pesky 'R' key...I'm used to tapping it for reload, not retro rockets! When I set up for the next mission, I keep track of the CURRENT Science points. Let's say prior to one mission, they're at 50. I fly the mission. While orbiting the Mun, I run the science lab experiment and transmit what the pop-up states will be 90 points worth of science. I run the green goop experiment and keep (read: I do not transmit) what I am told will be 39 points. When the vehicle is recovered, my TOTAL SCIENCE points SHOULD be 90 + 39 + 50 = 179. Nope. My total science points might get 30 additional and rise up to 80. I've been pretty careful about watching this one because I suspected something was up early on when I first started playing. (Again, NO MODS.) As stated, I did try with the same craft, but then switched to a known good craft - one that always gets my little guys into orbit (unless they see a squirrel, in which case all bets are off) - the known good craft did not reach orbit and experienced the same orbital speed degradation. I tried flying east and then west with the good craft and fell back to earth no matter what I did. After restarting KSP, BOTH craft made it successfully into orbit. Note that I specifically mention following a checklist. That checklist, if followed with either of the two craft, practically guarantees a successful orbit...unless a squirrel or something shiny shows up. It was very odd. No problem. I'm an engineer, so don't have an issue re-reading the docs a couple times. Well, ok. Thirty-six times, but who's keeping track anyway? Ten years ago I wouldn't have mentioned it, but now that I sponsor some engineering interns where I work, I think it's important for you and anyone else wanting to play. From their perspective, young ladies might find it a bit off-putting for them not to be able to readily identify with any of the characters in the game. When I started in engineering in the early 1980's, it was really quite rare to find a female scientist or engineer, especially in electronics and electrical engineering. Since the late 1990's and now in the last decade, that has changed somewhat. So it's a little surprising is all. - - - Updated - - - I'll take another look. Thank you for your time and attention. -Red
  8. Readme.txt version : Version 0.90.0 Beta BuildID64:m build id = 00705 2014-12-15_14-29-19 Branch: master KSP Executable: File version: Product version: Didn't see any other posts about these issues so will provide high level first, and dig down with files if an answer isn't forthcoming. 1. Jet pack bug: Noticed right from the get go that once my plucky Kerbal got into orbit, upon EVA at anytime, the Jetpak does NOT work. If the Kerbal lets go, there's no way to jet back to the craft. He dies, she* dies; they all die. Any Kerbonaught CAN walk around on the ground and jump etc. Just in space, they have no jetpack activation despite showing a full load of mono. 2. Any science discovered and then TRANSMITTED does NOT (see note below) show up at the end of the mission. In other words, my career does not get credit for it. The only science values that I've been able to keep are those that I save until a SAFE landing, then recover the craft. 3. Noticed just tonight that after several successful missions, attempting to fly the Stayputnik into orbit failed twice, the third time I went by the numbers (I use a checklist for my launch platforms when I'm trying to do something more precise) and it still failed. Why? Because it seems that Kerbal stopped rotating. Flying east, my orbit speed continually dropped. I tried a fourth time to fly west and got the same degrading effect -- a slowing down instead of speeding up, despite max throttle. After shutting the game down, it appears to have fixed whatever it was -- I can orbit once again. Note: #2 - After shutting the game down and starting up again, I did get science points for my items, but FAR from what was advertised at the time. While in orbit around the MUN, my green goop experiment showed +15 for the experiment and +9 for transmitting. The SC-9001 jr showed +75 and +30 respectively in the same orbit. According to these numbers, I should have picked up +39 for the goop and +90 for the science box for an expected total of +129. At arrival after splashdown, I got +62.8 for everything. The numbers aren't adding up anyway I slice it. (Pondering: Hope the Dev's aren't using Common Core to figure the totals... ) I noticed early in playing the game that the expected totals and actuals were off...but now after playing several hours, they're either way off or I'm misreading what I'm seeing on the screen. If I don't see a reply that "these are known bugs" (and please, show me the place where all the KNOWN bugs are, because it always just takes me to the submit a new bug page.) -- Hearing nothing, I'll run a couple missions and capture some screens and some game logs to post a follow-up. * She -- I'm surprised that all of the Kerbonaughts look distinctly male and are named with male names. Figure if you haven't already got some flak for that, you might wish to consider getting with a few female Kerbonaughts in the next release. Just sayin. Cheers, -Red
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