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Everything posted by CrisK

  1. Hals, this looks like another winner! Edit: I updated the Rafale: Edit here are craft files for the Boeing X-32 and the Dassault Rafale. Both are set up to be BDArmory AI drones.* *And they currently wipe the floor with most of the other planes in this thread. Ohhh snap! The gauntlet has been thrown down! ...Time to hide...
  2. Clown, are you using infernal robotics for the new weapons bays? Would you like some help?
  3. I'm tempted to record a few dogfights using everyone's crafts and then put them on YouTube.
  4. I created a twin tail version of the X-32 in the configuration that was proposed (but never built) by Boeing. I also modified the original delta wing design so that it only has 50 parts, and it's down to 12000kg. Both of them are super maneuverable, capable of pulling up to 18-20gs, vertical climbs, etc. I'm not sure which one to stick with since they both perform just about equally well. I modified @Halsfury's F18 and @clown_baby's F-22 to take advantage of the latest BDArmory release and I've been having a grand time using them as AI dogfighting drones. The F18 has a tendency to crash or experience aerodynamic failures, but when it's flying well (at a higher altitude) it's pretty deadly. - - - Updated - - - Well...good job modifying it. Take some credit!
  5. I updated the YF-23 that I posted earlier in this thread. It now has a larger internal armament, is a bit more maneuverable, and looks nicer.
  6. I updated four of my planes to work with the new BDArmory release. Pictures are posted in the original post.
  7. It might be weird, but it's what Boeing specified for the X-32. The entire design is a little goofy, but that's what makes it more fun for me than a more standard design. I posted an ASF-14 and an ATF-23 a few pages ago that also carry somewhat weird armaments. Maybe their weird specifications contributed to the fact that these aircraft were never put into production! PS: The F-22 has 6 internal AMRAAM and 2 internal sidewinder missiles. So maybe it's not that crazy.
  8. I'm cross posting this - I updated one of my designs to use the new features in 0.95. I love the update. Everything's bug-free for me. Thanks @BahamutoD!
  9. I updated the X-32 for the latest version of BDArmory. I also lowered the mass by around 4k and the part count by 20. It pulls 20g turns without a problem, is capable of vertical climbing, and carries a slightly larger loadout. This version also uses Infernal Robotics to deploy stowed missiles. I've been using it to dogfight with @clown_baby's creations and @Halsfury's F/A-18. I'm now confident that this little guy can take on any other plane in this thread.* It can't hold drop tanks, but it has upwards of 30k deltaV internal fuel (though I usually stick with 5k for dogfights). 6 AMRAAMs, 2 sidewinders, 2 hellfires (optional). However, it's not as durable as @clown_baby's F-22 or @Halsfury's F/A-18 because it only has one engine, and it has less "armor"/wing parts. If it gets hit, it's game over.
  10. I gave you rep because the way that you fly is darned entertaining.
  11. CrisK


    I don't know whether to love this or hate it, but it's a really original design. Nice work!
  12. The tone of your post could perhaps be a little more polite. I've been building replicas of real-world planes. You have a good point. Maybe I've been approaching the ramjet from the wrong angle. They might work better on long-distance drones.
  13. My two cents: I think that the engines should have values that are roughly 2x as high as the stock engines. Otherwise there's no advantage (other than appearance) of using these engines over a bicoupler and stock engines. Actually, the bicoupler route is currently a much better way to go. Also, the ramjet's values are very strange. It does well above mach 3 in atmospheric flight, but it doesn't have the power to get a plane up to mach 3. Also, spaceplanes will explode at mach 4, so the efficiency is a benefit that can't actually be utilised.
  14. Each row is offset on the same plane so that they don't clip. If you clip them even slightly then they explode due to overheating.
  15. Here's a work in progress. The Northrop ATF-23, a plane that was never built. Two YF-23 prototypes were built. All of the weapons are internal to maintain stealth. Infernal robotics action groups deploy 6 AMRAAMs, 8 sidewinder missiles, and 2 hellfire missiles. There's room in there for another row of smaller missiles or a single cruise missile, but I frankly don't want to have that many infernal robotics action groups. It's super-maneuverable, but not as maneuverable as the X-32. It's more maneuverable than the ASF-14 (largely due to the fact that the wings on the ATF-23 are fixed). The flaps, ailerons, and all-moving V-tail work exactly like the proposed design. The ailerons affect roll, the flaps slightly affect pitch, and the V-tail controls pitch and yaw. It's stable up to Mach 2.9. I borrowed a neat idea from the original design: the brake action group causes the ailerons to deflect upwards and the flaps to deflect downwards, creating built-in balanced and stable airbrakes.
  16. If you created the fighter jet cockpit just for me, then thank you. :sticktongue:
  17. Here's a design for a navy multirole tactical fighter. The Grumann ASF-14. It has more than twice the range of the Boeing X-32 or F-35, but the armament capability is roughly the same. It's less maneuverable than the smaller fighters, but still very maneuverable. It handles extreme turns at speeds up to Mach 1.4. It's stable as an interceptor at speeds up to Mach 3.9. I might install PEW so that I can equip it with AIM-54s.
  18. Grumann ASF-14 Tomcat Advanced Strike Fighter. Grumann designed a next-gen variation of their F14 fighter, but the navy chose to purchase F/A-18Es instead. Here's the F-14 that could have been. FAR Infernal Robotics B9 Procedural wings Moved the image gallery to the OP.
  19. The flying wing design is pretty cool. I would not have thought of it.
  20. Awesome. I'm looking forward to it! Can you also create a matching nosecone for your SR-71 cockpit? Just for Kerbs and giggles, here's a Boeing X-32 built with the 2.5m Mark IV parts. Single engine. Stable up to Mach 4 at any altitude. Super maneuverable. Supercruises. Thrust limited to 50%. Holds a full BDArmory armament. Bonus: looks just as ugly and ridiculous as its real-life counterpart. Mods: Mark IV, Adjustable landing gear, B9 wings, FAR.
  21. You may be right. It flies well with the regular mk2 and mk2 expansion cockpits. Maybe I should replace the cockpit with one of those. I wish that @SuicidalInsanity would create a bubble canopy.
  22. Hodo will be here all week, folks. Tip your waiter...
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