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Everything posted by CrisK

  1. Hodo (as always) I really like your design. Hmm, now I am inspired to create a competing jet.
  2. It sounds as if you took a steep reentry profile and slammed into the atmosphere. The heat physics changed with the release of 1.04.
  3. Here's the appropriate code for the various Tantares + TAC add ons in case you want to add them to your configs. Tantares Space Technology water purifier: MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = TST Water Purifier inputResources = WasteWater, 0.000014247685185, ElectricCharge, 0.007123842592593 outputResources = Water, 0.000012822916667, false, Waste, 0.000001994675926, true } TST Backup Oxygen converter (water + electricity to oxygen): MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = TST Bckup Oxygen conversionRate = 8.16 inputResources = Water, 0.000002720508341, ElectricCharge, 0.039783051310155 outputResources = Oxygen, 0.001713537562385, false, Waste, 0.000000405893838, true } TST Oxygen system: MODULE { name = TacGenericConverter converterName = TST Oxygen System conversionRate = 8.16 inputResources = CarbonDioxide, 0.001703210064733, ElectricCharge, 0.039783051310155 outputResources = Oxygen, 0.001713537562385, false, Waste, 0.000001209166498, true } These are pretty easy to create. It'd be easy to implement a TST hydroponic module that converted waste + water into food + wastewater.
  4. I created a fork on GitHub so that I won't overwrite any of the existing files. I'll take a look at them this afternoon and see what needs work.
  5. I created a TAC LS config for Tantares a while back that had the C02 scrubber, water purifiers and generators on some of the station parts, etc. For some reason my decision to include those did not seem to be popular.
  6. @Lack, Would you like help with anything? Any of the config files, bug fixing, etc?
  7. Beale, I just caught up on the thread. Your work looks amazing as per usual!
  8. The beta version of the Kliper works just fine in its current state.
  9. Station spam. The various docking ports are intended to mimic historical parts. I recommend that you delete them if you're not interested in craft replicas.
  10. Comrade, no need! Tantares has all. Mostly work. You see! I'm thinking about a simple Skylab next.
  11. I completed my Tantares ISS tonight. It still has one progress and one Soyuz docked. I'm not sure what to send up next. A shuttle? This ISS was built after Beale's last update. I crashed the old one into Kerbin. Special thanks to @curtquarquesso for designing many of the Russian module parts.
  12. I replaced the old Tantares models on my ISS with the new ones. They look great. Thank you for the remodel, Beale! I've added part of the Russian segment based on @curtquarquesso's design. There's a farshot Soyuz and a couple of Progresses attached. I've been using them as tugs to get all the parts in place.
  13. And that's when the tears started flowing. No problem, buddy Beale! Use what you like, throw away the rest. Tantares and TantaresLV are almost bug-free already because of your hard work. I am just happy that some of what I did was useful.
  14. This bug is fixed in the configs that I released for TantaresLV. Beale has the fixes, but he has been very busy with the release of the Soyuz stuff.
  15. Beale, perhaps the file names could be changed to reflect sizes? e.g. _Soyuz_Dockingmechanism_9375_DELETEIMMEDIATELY_ComplainInThread_TearOutHair.cfg
  16. I'll bug fix the radial parachutes and other parts this afternoon.
  17. Yes. It will fulfill that sort of contract. I'll also add in testing parameters to the config file so that the new ports are eligible for the generated missions.
  18. I created a FAR config for the Kliper and shared it in this thread. The Kliper flies okay for now, but it really needs to be split into 3 parts (body, wing, flaps) to fly properly.
  19. I'm gradually adding the Russian part of the ISS. This is based on the images of curtquarquesso's craft. I'm not using his because I don't want to mess with tweakscale.
  20. The R7/Soyuz is my favorite looking rocket in the TantaresLV pack. Please do not change it too much. Edit: Grumble grumble. Why do @curtquarquesso's crafts always look so much better than mine? Grumble... I really like the ISS craft.
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