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Everything posted by Waladil

  1. I figured it out shortly after writing the post, but before the moderator approved the post -- I even tried to remove the post from the moderator queue! Anyway, apparently one must go from tracking station to a nearby vessel. At first I went from the tracking station to the kerbal himself and that didn't work, nor did switching around "ships" with [ or ] right after, but returning to the tracking station then loading the craft that he was knocked out of worked.
  2. I just downloaded the stock bug fixes because I was hit by a Kerbal turning into debris when he was knocked out of an external command seat. The bugfix doesn't seem to have restored him, is there another step I need to take to fix him? I've been trying to grab him with an AGU then release, but it's being really tricky since I can't control him and he's just standing on a Minmus slope. Also, is there some way to confirm installation? I put the various .dlls into the gamedata folder like most of my other mods, but I dunno if I missed a step.
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