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Everything posted by Migueltriny

  1. Thank you so much Lumaan. I changed that and now it works.
  2. I have copied the one from my ksp 32bit, but this happen.https://www.dropbox.com/s/eadi6bnjeheun3w/Captura%20de%20pantalla%202015-06-25%2002.30.35.png?dl=0
  3. I have KSP 1.0.2, and Unity 4.6.4 (downloaded fron here https://unity3d.com/es/get-unity/download/archive). Here is the log folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nul5e53urnavbg8/AAC6v80Ut9G6w7W02vmtMZB6a?dl=0
  4. I just did it, in the past it worked (in 0.9) but now, i can´t even start ksp. https://www.dropbox.com/s/2gbr78n1483hq7e/output_log.txt?dl=0
  5. I have Ven's stock part revamp 1.7.1 and the Mk2 Centrifuge Habitat doesn't show in the game, so, do I have to use the VenSXT patch to solve it?
  6. Thank you so much, you solved my problem. When I removed Snaks and then tryed loading, every things went working.
  7. Oh, sorry I didn´t mention thay I was runing x64 version... And yes, I have ATM. Here is my output log: ​https://www.dropbox.com/s/2gbr78n1483hq7e/output_log.txt?dl=0
  8. Hi, with this mod installed (ver. 1.7) and with the .bat file applied, I can´t play, some times crashes when loading and sometimes before the "space center buildings map view". I have many mods but they work properly and never had a crash before, but with Stock part Revamp I have that issue.
  9. Hi, I have some problem in 0.25 x64 with the wheels, they dont work, also when I right-click, the menu is not the same as in 0.9. But in my other ksp direction, wich is 0.9 x32 they work fine. What can I do to get them work in 0.25? I have the properly firespitter version in each one.
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