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Everything posted by tutike2000

  1. Maybe they meant that the total power consumed by the engine is less when you use less xenon. Not that the charge / unit mass of xenon changes.
  2. I believe we now need a "Deploy only when safe" mod for chutes.
  3. I don't remember suborbital flights ever being hard to do. Two SRBs used to be enough to get a pod above 70km, as far as I recall
  4. May I suggest putting the instructions first, and the result/demo at the end? Like in the aesthetics tutorial.
  5. Well, it can't be more than 236 * 2800 * 2800 kJ, assuming the game respects conservation of energy. Which it probably doesn't. I don't think there's any tool out there to calculate your reentry heat. The best you can get is trying it out 'for real' in sandbox + HyperEdit.
  6. Yes, you are always pointing at the center of the navball. Also, a screenshot or two would be helpful.
  7. Official figures say 290 m/s at sea level is the max speed for 'normal' chutes. You need to deploy/stage them at less than 350m/s if you want your kerbals to survive.
  8. It doesn't cool in the way most people would expect it to cool. A jet precooler in real life is supposed to increase thrust and fuel efficiency of the engine. In KSP it doesn't do that.
  9. Yeah, MJ's RCS ballancing and smart rcs was broken for me since 1.0.2. Maybe I didn't install the right version of MJ or something.
  10. MJ may be set to do 'things' to your RCS control. Make sure that everything is off in MJ before you test translation again (red light pops up in on your MJ part) Also, RCS controls need to be held down. if you just tap them, you will get a puff and that's it. Once you take your finger off, it stops the RCS thrust.
  11. The download link on the first post should be the one you want
  12. Symmetry shortcut seems to be going bonkers in KSP 1.0.3
  13. I used my shoes as brake pads when my bicycle brakes didn't work. (aka: squeezing the rear tire between my feet) I drove down a (very long and steep) hill to get to my mechanic after I found out my car's brakes didn't work. I drove about 2km with a seized up rear drum brake, stopping every 500m to throw water on it. I drove about 1km without a cam belt, stopping every few hundred meters to let the engine cool off for 20 minutes while I pushed. I drove a whole day in 2nd gear because my gear shift lever broke off. I put tap water in my radiator to drive my car to the scrap yard. I taped firecrackers to paper airplanes and threw them as far as I could. The police showed up and took my firecrackers. I heard about eggs exploding in microwaves, and I wanted to find out if a bowl of water would shield the egg enough for it to survive. It sort of had the opposite effect, the egg exploded spectacularly after a few minutes in there, and sprayed hot water everywhere, broke the microwave. I still have the bowl.
  14. When in doubt, just remember that a landing is literally a takeoff in reverse. Every maneuver or burn that you do to land, if you do in reverse you end up where you are now. So what's the most efficient way to take off from an airless body? - Full throttle, - Pitch upwards only so much that your vertical speed is positive and doesn't change - Stop once your Ap is at the desired height - Circularize at Ap I think I just described a suicide burn in reverse
  15. A suicide burn is the most efficient way to land. If you first circularize then land, you're essentially making the same effective burn in orthogonal directions. It's shorter to walk the diameter of a rectangle (suicide burn) than to walk its sides (circularize to kill some of your horizontal velocity, then land). Think of it in terms of the Oberth effect. Given a certain kinetic energy at your starting point (let's say a circular orbit at the edge of the SoI), the best place to use your delta-V is as close as possible to the surface. - - - Updated - - - Actually... wait... this may depend on your TWR. Or rather... how high up do you need to start your suicide burn? If you need to start burning too high (TWR close to 1.0), circularizing may be a lot more efficient. Edit: related discussion: http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalAcademy/comments/1wxt6v/how_is_it_best_to_land_on_planets_without/ Apparently, somebody claims that constant-altitude landings are more efficient, performed after circularizing. However I think this doesn't account for the delta-v needed to circularize.
  16. Another way is to build only one 'branch' of the symmetrical bit, then use symmetry only when you're done building it. So let's say if you wanted to attach to your ship 2 SRBs each with 3 chutes on them: - First place a single SRB - Then place the 3 chutes via 3-way symmetry - Then pick up the SRB and reattach it via 2-way symmetry But yeah. X, shift-X, and C/shift-C are your friend. Also 'R' to switch from radial to mirror symmetry. 'F' to switch between symmetry around the current part or around the vessel. F is also useful when using the Offset tool. Try it on a part that was placed on ... let's say the slanted bit of a command pod C is useful in Offset and Rotate to have smaller increments, not just a few 'steps'. I wouldn't be surprised if there were other shortcuts I don't know about even today. I'd also recommend http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-1-0-2-Editor-Extensions-v2-8-21-May (Editor Extensions), for perfect vertical/horizontal alignment, N-way symmetry (20-way, for instance), 15,30,45,60,90 degree snap, etc
  17. Is anyone else having this problem? After I installed ATM my FPS dropped by a LOT. It dropped from 35 to 14 with Agressive installed. I'll try and play around with Basic and see if the same thing happens.
  18. Yeah, the angle isn't as forgiving as you might think. The two strut endpoints need to be 'facing' each other more or less.
  19. Having Atmospheric checked means that high-efficiency engines (swivel, terrier, poodle, etc) will show less delta-v than they actually will have in space. Typically people refer to vacuum delta-v. Look at your atmospheric stage with atmosperic turned on, your transfer/capture/landing stages with atmo off.
  20. Drill + ISRU + nukes spaced as far out as possible, so that you can tweak their thrust to reduce your torque. I've only moved class Cs, but it shoudl work for Es as well. MJ or Engineer to show you your current torque. KAS/KIS to add struts to the roid, if that's even possible. RCS thrusters as well.
  21. I've had Stage Recovery installed months ago. never looked back. I totally recommend it, even if it can be a bit too lenient on you sometimes.
  22. Wha? no! just add unit cost to Ore, so this exploit is no longer profitable. I want to be able to see if I can lift off with full ore tanks !
  23. I have a strange problem. I can't select any shapes for my procedural parts. When I pick up the tank cone, I get an "[Exception]: InvalidProgramException: No shapes available" I can only change diameter and length on regular tanks. from .log content: [EXC 00:27:22.944] InvalidProgramException: No shapes available ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart.InitializeShapes () ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart.OnStart (StartState state) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) ProceduralParts.ProceduralPart:OnStart(StartState) Part:ModulesOnStart() :MoveNext() Edit: this seems to only happen in career mode. Do I need to unlock certain tech in order to pick shapes ? Edit 2: Aaah, I see now... different shapes are unlocked by different tech nodes. I thought there was something wrong with my install because of the exceptions
  24. Any craft that does not have its LV-Ns directly attached to a full tank
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