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Everything posted by tutike2000

  1. But... you DO want to enter Mun's SoI in a radial orbit, with a speed as close to zero as possible. Radial orbit = straight line to the center of the Mun, right? That's the best scenario you could find yourself in if you wanted to land on the Mun (and if you ignore how you got there in the first place). It's not the only way to do a suicide burn, sure.
  2. That sounds about twice as much as it should be...
  3. Pretty sure the game doesn't take other parts into account when calculating radiative heat loss/gain. So 100 fins will work 100 times better than 1 fin.
  4. No, the Periapsis is always the lowest altitude in your orbit, and Apoapsis is the highest.
  5. Also, engines and everything attached inline with them seem to be immune to reentry heating. Radially attached parts do explode much more often.
  6. I only discovered the Merge option yesterday. Is it the same as saving the entire ship as a sub-assembly, then importing it to the current ship ?
  7. I'd actually like more heat from nukes (along with more thrust). Maybe increase the heat generated by other parts as well? For instance the ion engine, since it uses so much electricity ? Or pretty much anything that uses electricity, proportional to how much it uses. Maybe even a lot more heating from the Sun once you're at around Eve or Moho's orbit, so that you'll get toasted if you don't have some sort of radiators in the shade.
  8. Quick fix: edit your Squad folder's nuke engine part. Give it 4x the thrust, 4x the cost, 4x the mass, 4x the heat generation, etc etc Now nukes no longer suck. Also, you'll need some proper heat management now. I love the Nuclear Age engines, but the large one's ISP is way too large (1400)
  9. You could also just have a fuel tank instead of the transfer module, and use the lander engines exclusively. Leave a whole bunch of fuel in orbit so you'll have enough to return. But yes, it's not really worth it since you can return to Kerbin cheaply anyway. Also, the bigger the transfer stage, the more likely it is that a lander will be worth dragging around. You could also abandon the lander and only return with the transfer stage. Lots of combinations to play around with...
  10. Depends on what you're 'mining'. Otherwise the entire petroleum industry also breaks conservation of energy
  11. Try editing your save to have the service bay open already. perhaps it only freaks out while moving.
  12. I use both. KER to show info, especially in the VAB but also in flight (atmo efficiency, altitude above terrain, apoapsis, periapsis) - the UI is much cleaner and prettier (once you configure it to your liking) MJ to create maneuver nodes, and for its improved, non-wobbly SAS, and much much more. I just hate the UI of MJ though, so much clutter.
  13. Set up Engineer to show you your 'Atmospheric Efficiency' - your current speed as a % of your current terminal velocity you're going right now. The most efficient ascent is when you travel at terminal velocity all the time, thus Atmospheric Efficiency = 100%. Any higher, you lose fuel to drag, any lower you lose fuel to gravity. In order to sit at 100% most of the time you will need VERY high TWR 2.0-2.5 on the launchpad until you reach TV, this is easy to accomplish with solid boosters that aren't completely full, you will ditch them very quickly. Then you use your liquid fuel engines to stay at 100%, since you can throttle them. you should have at least 1.1 TWR after you lose your solid boosters. Eventually you get high enough that the terminal velocity gets very very high, so your Atmo Efficiency drops a lot. Here a powerful engine could be very useful, however an engine like that will probably be too heavy to bring up to 50+ km, so don't worry about atmospheric efficiency once you go above 35 km. If you're still having problems, post screenshots of the craft in VAB.
  14. KIS and KAS can kind of do that already. I'm sure there's some mod out there that lets you launch and build parts away from KSC as well.
  15. Well yeah, but won't that increase part count and therefore decrease FPS ? My biggest pet peeve is that docked vessels tend to have a positive feedback wobble - the amplitude of the oscillations get bigger and bigger and bigger, the ship making wild 90 degree bends and eventually snaps. I've found that this only happens when controlled from certain points. If I switch to 'control from here' eventually I find a command pod or docking port that will get SAS to dampen the oscillations instead of amplifying them.
  16. Just install the Fuel Switcher mod. Then we can nag Squad to make it stock.
  17. - 64-bit only game - seamless transition from VAB to KSC to Flight mode - higher physics range (100+ km), without any negative side-effects, of course - better graphics - better UI (no more clicking through windows to trigger something beneath them by mistake) - average PCs should be able to handle 150-part ships at 60 FPS, at least - some sort of multiplayer - more detail on worlds (cities on Kerbin, aliens on Laythe, etc) - all 9 (or 8, whatev) planets of Sol kerballized - more end-game content (colonization, terraforming, interstellar travel) - more meaningful and story-like contracts
  18. It does. If Squad is indeed using the physics engine built into Unity, then this would probably be a 'quick' fix. Although who knows what side effects we'll have from the physics engine changing...
  19. The only good thing about having another dev team work on this is that Squad isn't exactly experienced in making games, the current poor performance and awkward loading times proves it. An experienced company wouldn't have focused on 32-bit. Would have loaded textures on-demand (if they did stick with 32-bit for whatever reason). Wouldn't have all those huge waiting/loading times when transitioning from VAB to KSC to Map to Flight etc Another games studio would probably be able to help them a lot. However... this Flying Tiger studio doesn't exactly look like a good choice.
  20. Implementing multi-threaded physics would be a huge time consuming task, incredibly difficult if not near-impossible without re-writing the physics engine. And given the performance improvements you'd get out of it, Squad would have already mentioned it. This either means that they haven't started implementing multi-threaded physics (which I'm sorry to say probably means they never will), OR They have and have kept quiet about it (seems very unlikely)
  21. Yeah, conics are pretty glitchy. I haven't been able to use the Advanced Transfer feature in MechJeb for months now. I create a node that takes around 925 m/s, then the 'jumping' happens, and my node gets recalculated and recalculated, and it keeps increasing 2000 m/s, 6000 m/s, 20,000 m/s until I finally give up and do it by hand.
  22. Aaah, I see now. I'm not sure why I assumed that your speed relative to the Mun would be very small in this scenario.
  23. Ah, ok, I meant oscillation. Which I find annoying. And yes, sometimes it turns into wobble, which sometimes gets amplified in a positive feedback kind of way until the ship rips apart (doesn't happen with pod+tank+engine, but does with larger craft).
  24. A space elevator on Minmus, so that I won't have to launch all that ore/fuel to an orbital refinery/fuel depot. Just dock with the Minmus-stationary bit. Oh, and a gigantic non-wobbly 1000+ part grand tour ship that would run perfectly (60+ FPS)
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