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Everything posted by TrypChangeling

  1. This is exactly what I've been needing! My game will sometimes get to the point where I can't change scenes or save, and a number of things start calculating wrong, like Target velocity. My log ends up with sometimes 6 hundred thousand lines of NREs, and I can never find out what the root cause was. Hoping this helps, and will definitely come back with my results!
  2. You get the radial decoupler as early as basic support construction, which is only three nodes to the right of start. You have to make some really interesting decisions with having radial only, but it's definitely not impossible. As for control surfaces, I admit I don't do a whole lot of planes in KSP, but I was able to get creative with reaction wheels in order to steer my jet just enough to get some of the early crew report contracts done. So far, I'm having a blast with ADIOS; it's the kind of progression mod I've been looking for. If I have one reservation about recommending it outright, it'd be that the Station Science and Orbital Science parts unlock in an order that's confusing to someone not familiar with the mods - I had to look up why the Rocket Fuels experiment wouldn't work, for instance, and that I didn't have an MSL-1000 that Material sciences require. It's unintuitive to get parts that are useless on the path to get the parts needed to use them, but it's not a game-breaker by any means, IMO. Again, absolutely loving the mod - I even went so far as partitioning my HDD to use Ubuntu to get more mods at once to get the full experience.
  3. This is probably the Kerbalest thing I've ever done. Over the last two weeks, I've basically been trying to get this plane into orbit, and when it failed, just added MORE of whatever it wasn't doing right. At one point, I was told it looked like a fox, so I got the name there. All stock, 'cept for using Kerbal Engineer (and having Kerbal Alarm Clock and Docking Alignment Indicator installed, which did nothing useful). Presenting... At 335 Parts, 10.7m x 24.1m x 25.6m and 133.6 Tons The Fox Space-Triplane
  4. So, it looks like I was only sort of right, but mostly wrong. What an embarrassing way to show up in this thread! I can say with relative certainty, though, that KERT is not the culprit, though it's not exactly compatible with DangIt!, either. Or, at least, it's not making the situation with MC2 any better. Anyway! So, I pulled down the source for DangIt! to fiddle with, and set it to reset the EVA's max amount to the value DangIt! sets if something else set it to lower, and, after realizing I don't know C# and wrestling with it for a while, got that to function, giving the EVA suit 15.0 capacity again. Taking spares still didn't work. But KERT did, sort of. I was able to use it to transfer 14.99999999999...something SpareParts into the EVA, and was able to maintain and repair everything, but that wasn't decrementing the SpareParts, so I had infinite parts. Curious, I tried HyperEdit, and was able to get 15.00 (which still didn't increment). Lesson the first: The floating point error is a quirk in KERT's flow behavior, not in KSP's math, and that behavior doesn't break DangIt!, but could be a problem if DangIt! switched to using KERT. After much more wrestling around with the source code, I was able to figure out that evaPart.RequestResource() was always returning 0. I switched all of the instances of evaPart.RequestResource() to just add or subtract from evaPart.Resources[spares.Name].amount and it seems to work whether or not MC2 is installed or not. So, lesson the second: However MC2 is initiating the SpareParts resource on the EVA is breaking the RequestResource method for that part. I have no idea why! And that's where it is. I don't really know what the proper solution is, given I know absolutely nothing about best practices for KSP code, but, there it is! tl;dr version: MC2 is setting the SpareParts maxAmount to 1, and initializes the SpareParts resource in a way that RequestResource doesn't work. Hacking it to raise the limit back to 15 if it's lower and accessing the amount of Spares directly seems to clear the issue up. Coffeeman, if you'd like to see my ugly hacks, let me know and I can get them up somewhere for you, else I hope that's more to point you in the direction!
  5. Aw, thanks! Well, I think the best fix would be if DangIt! can override the resource limit that MC2 is putting on the EVA suit. If the EVA can hold 15 SpareParts, I think it'll work the same whether or not MC2 and KERT are installed or not - If I just have DangIt! and KERT, but no MC2, the limit is 15.0, and there's no problem. If that's not possible, though, I think if DangIt! only requests .999 SpareParts instead of 1.0, then I think it'll work with the MC2 limit, but the Kerbal will lose the ability to take more than one SparePart like they can normally.
  6. Okay, so I've figured out what the problem with DangIt! and MC2 is, though I haven't the foggiest idea on how to fix it, since I've never muddled with KSP modding before, myself. I just use them! Anyway, so KERT doesn't seem to be the problem at all - I can have DangIt! and KERT both installed without MC2 and it works just fine, and I can have DangIt! and MC2 installed, and remove KERT, and... well, neither work. It seems that the problem is that with just DangIt!, an EVA suit can hold 15 spares. MC2, on the other hand, overwrites that and makes it so that an EVA suit can only hold 1 spare. The problem that I run into after that is that 1 spare isn't really 1 spare. I used KERT to pull the 1.0 SpareParts out, and it still doesn't work. Getting back into the pod shows that I was carrying 0.999999977648258 units of SpareParts, not 1, thanks to the buggy nature of floating point arithmetic. So, when I'm clicking 'Take Spares', there's not actually room for 1 unit of SpareParts (We're short by 0.000000022351742 units), so the retrieval fails. Even after using KERT to transfer in the SpareParts, I can't perform the repair (because again, we're just short of 1 unit of SpareParts). This isn't a problem when the EVA suit can hold 15.0 units, because if it comes to 14.999... or 15.0000...1 or something, it's more than the required 1.0. So! That said, I haven't figured out a bandaid solution, even, because I can't figure out where MC2 is defining how much SpareParts an EVA can hold (though there's a file that looks like it, it doesn't seem to do anything), but I am very much certain that's the issue that's happening here. I hope Ippo and/or Coffeeman and other folks can get some use out of this. I absolutely love DangIt! (and Entropy) - thanks for your hard work!
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