So, it looks like I was only sort of right, but mostly wrong. What an embarrassing way to show up in this thread! I can say with relative certainty, though, that KERT is not the culprit, though it's not exactly compatible with DangIt!, either. Or, at least, it's not making the situation with MC2 any better. Anyway! So, I pulled down the source for DangIt! to fiddle with, and set it to reset the EVA's max amount to the value DangIt! sets if something else set it to lower, and, after realizing I don't know C# and wrestling with it for a while, got that to function, giving the EVA suit 15.0 capacity again. Taking spares still didn't work. But KERT did, sort of. I was able to use it to transfer 14.99999999999...something SpareParts into the EVA, and was able to maintain and repair everything, but that wasn't decrementing the SpareParts, so I had infinite parts. Curious, I tried HyperEdit, and was able to get 15.00 (which still didn't increment). Lesson the first: The floating point error is a quirk in KERT's flow behavior, not in KSP's math, and that behavior doesn't break DangIt!, but could be a problem if DangIt! switched to using KERT. After much more wrestling around with the source code, I was able to figure out that evaPart.RequestResource() was always returning 0. I switched all of the instances of evaPart.RequestResource() to just add or subtract from evaPart.Resources[spares.Name].amount and it seems to work whether or not MC2 is installed or not. So, lesson the second: However MC2 is initiating the SpareParts resource on the EVA is breaking the RequestResource method for that part. I have no idea why! And that's where it is. I don't really know what the proper solution is, given I know absolutely nothing about best practices for KSP code, but, there it is! tl;dr version: MC2 is setting the SpareParts maxAmount to 1, and initializes the SpareParts resource in a way that RequestResource doesn't work. Hacking it to raise the limit back to 15 if it's lower and accessing the amount of Spares directly seems to clear the issue up. Coffeeman, if you'd like to see my ugly hacks, let me know and I can get them up somewhere for you, else I hope that's more to point you in the direction!