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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Confirmed, 1.0.2 Win7. Also, I'm having an odd issue. I've got suit replacements for helmet, uniform, and jetpack (helmet & uniform in both IVA and EVA). Everything was working fine until recently. All of a sudden it will replace IVA helmet, both uniforms, and the jetpack, but not my EVA helmet. The only change I made recently is adding a new head texture to a subdirectory of /heads, which also works fine.
  2. It turns out that my export missed a bunch of textures the first time, so I had the Kerbal material files but not the plain textures, which is why I assumed they were stored in a different format. When I went back to grab the .mat files (thinking they were what I needed) I found all the Kerbal textures. I totally forgot to report back and let everyone know I solved it though, oops. Also, I've seen a bunch of complex tutorials on converting/editing DDS files. Is there something I'm missing? You can open them just fine in Paint.NET for individual files, or batch convert to another format with XnConvert (including mirroring them).
  3. So the Kerbal's textures are .mat files huh? That explains why I couldn't find them. I've only been able to check dds, does anyone know how to edit/view/convert a .mat?
  4. @VITAS @godarklight I just want to say, sorry for asking for help and then just disappearing. Your posts have been tremendously helpful and I think I know how to fix my issues now (the example about subnets was very useful). I broke my PuTTy connection messing around with changing my Pi's ip to one that would be part of the same subnet, but I'm pretty sure I know how to fix it. Hopefully. I'll report back later I guess
  5. I'm aware of this but As for: I got the pi without any other hardware because I wasn't sure what I would do with it, so the laptop was just to get set up. Now that I'm going to use it as a server I'll probably get a wifi adapter for it. Have done. Will do when I can.
  6. @godarklight Thanks for the response! I get two "inet addr:"'s when running ifconfig, one for "eth0" (ethernet cable) which is the static IP I set for the Pi, the other for "lo" (Something called "Local Loopback"). The "lo" one is though, which is some local address iirc. I've checked canyouseeme on both the "host" (laptop providing internet to pi) and the client and the ip is the same so they're definitely on the same LAN. None of these three addresses works though, they all say the connection was actively refused. Port 80 is visible on canyouseeme, but all the other common addresses and 6702 give a timeout. I guess I shouldn't worry about that though as I'm currently only interested in connecting with computers on the same LAN. I haven't noticed any 192.168.0.x addresses (or 10.x.x.x) in all my digging. Am I supposed to get one of those from ifconfig?
  7. I'm a bit confused as to how to set up a server. I feel as if there's something really obvious I'm missing (especially with everyone mentioning how easy it is). I've installed and launched a server, but I have no clue how to join it from another computer. The port is the default 6702, but I'm not sure what IP to use. To complicate things further the server is running on a Raspberry Pi (instructions from your github wiki), using a laptop for screen/keyboard (following this tutorial) and internet (these instructions). I've tried the IP of the Pi (I've set a static one), the IP from the "host" laptop, and a couple other ones. The server/pi (well, the laptop it's connected to) and client/computer are both on the same wifi, so I haven't done any port forwarding. Is that what I should do? If so what do I forward, to where?
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