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Everything posted by Mechtech

  1. oh yay, the K2's back! this is one of my favorate mods, because I'm not stuck using the flugly 'stack MK1 pods' trick for things like early Mun missions where I want one guy in orbit and one guy on the ground for sample- and report-taking reasons. or for rescuing Jeb when he decides to go Kracken-hunting.
  2. waiting eagerly for this to update- don't think I could live without my Titan Booster System or Snowflake Heavy Lift Rocket, which are pretty much reliant on KW rocketry to function.
  3. ohhhh, that Sounding Rockets thing looks neato! anyway, I was thinking that there's another bit of Science Stuff that's been neglected, namely, getting your science Stuff to the ground without going splat. yes, yes, mechjeb, but I'd like other instruments- things like height-from-surface or distance-from-target, and more kinetic experiments, (AKA 'hitting the groundreally hard on purpose) and some general 'utility' doodads like sample bins for rovers and such. anyway, anyone else have some ideas on real-life Science Stuff that'd be cool to see in KSP?
  4. god, Bargain Rockets parts is HILARIOUS. anyway, I am using station science, which is cool. that's what inspired ideas for more long-term and trickle experiments- I'm quite fond of them. also, I really need to get around to cleaning up my "Make Sense Damnit" modifications for some of the stock science parts (thermomiters that magically stop working after one reading? wut? simple numerical data that can't be transmitted for full value? GAHHH! stop being dumb!) into an actual plugin/mini-mod. that and the Micro-Goo Pod. aaannyway, has anyone done things like ACE or WIND that take solar-wind measurements? or a camera mod?
  5. so I've been very into how all the Science stuff works, especially given the number of mods that add more Science Stuffâ„¢, but it seems like most of the mods I've seen and used focus more on high-tech, cool gadgets for mid-to-late game, which, while cool and all, is something that is irritating for me as someone who has difficulty getting enough Science early in the game. I was wondering if you might point out mods like the Banana Pod that offer low-tech, early game Science stuff, as well as tossing around ideas for parts in that vein. a sort of general brainstorm for people to look for ideas- and to point out real Science Stuffâ„¢ that we'd like to see Kerbalized. I for one would be interested in kinetic tests, AKA "dropping things from really high up and observing the splash patterns/craters/explosions," which is both a Real Thing and something I could see Kerbals doing. also some more long-term experiments would be cool, too- like a variant on the Materials Bay that operates for a long time, or stuff that feeds a small trickle of Science over a long period rather than instant globs of one-shot data. telescopes would be the obvious ploy for that one, as well as things like the effects of long-term zero-g on Kerbals (I know Bob's been on my orbital construction dock for something like two-odd years now, bossing around a cadre of Scientists and Engineers to build my damn rockets) and things of that nature.
  6. greetings all! I've been playing KSP- even using some mods- from way back when the Stardock was still a thing, but I never got around to actually making an account here before now. so I thought I'd drop in and say 'Hi' on the introduction forum, since everyone else is doing it. Hi. there, I said it. now to get back to that abort-to-Jool....
  7. so, having just updated all my mods, I discovered that the launchpads now need resources all the time- while this is fine for when I'm doing more serious play in Science or Career mode, it's a bit annoying when I'm testing things in sandbox mode. is there a way to disable resource use ala the old Debug Mode in the current build of EL? it makes it SO much easier to test various landers, ascent stages, large ships, rovers and the like- putting a pad on various bodies for testing has been a staple of my ship development since I first got this mod, since it REALLY SUCKS to get to, say, Duna, land, and then discover your ascent stage can't break orbit. or discover you put something on upside-down on accident *glares at Mechjeb AR2 case* and having your rocked flip upside-down or sideways or something. or not having enough RCS thrusters to turn at a rate other than 'glacial'. yeah. the loss of easy emperical testing is hitting my R&D division kinda hard.
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