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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Do you mean at 2:25? I had to take the scenic route or I would have crashed into the big dish does it disqualify my entry?
  2. Here's my entry: King class, with 4 junos (boost flaps linked to RCS), no SAS, 4 seats, front and braking lights Time: 3:19
  3. Update! Thanks to your suggestions I managed a 3:42 in the king class with my hummer, but i lost some... pieces... along the way I keep trying!
  4. I'll try my car with your suggestions! At the moment I'm working on a Hummer replica, king class
  5. I'm using max traction control, max damper and the rest is default... but i tried various combinations and this was the best one
  6. I'm having lots of problems with my car... i need too many aero surfaces to keep it on the track that it goes 30m/s at max speed... and even then if I turn too much (and that's not that much) it spins aout of control unless i use the jet boost to shut down the thrust until it stops... wheels settings? too much power? I'm just using 2 junos
  7. I use SAS too mainly for stability, but if you want I can remove it! So downforce jets are a different category?
  8. I just managed a 2:56 but I didn't record it =( here's the car: Class 3, with selective Boost Flaps (so that i can toggle left/right or both jets) Top speed is about 73m/s
  9. I have a new plane, this time it can reach 118m/s! in the album you can see the DoubleHeart Mk IV (the first prototype to fly at over 100 m/s) and then the DoubleHeart Mk VI, my fastest turboprop so far! I decided to place the double engine in the center of the plane, so that it would generate less torque. The engine is made of two bearings, one rotating clockwise and the other counter-clockwise, each with 4 blowers (J-404s "Panther" in wet mode) and 6 vanes at 50° (static). The main differences between Mk IV and MK VI are one less pair of wings and the structure above the plane to redice wobble It takes off pretty easily at about 50m/s, but I suggest waiting until it reaches 65m/s to gently pull up; then it started slowly rolling clockwise, but nothing that couldn't be easily compensated with SAS Craft file: https://kerbalx.com/borbalf/LAC-DoubleHeart-Mk-VI Now I have to make the prop pitch adjustable and maybe solve the bearing failure (always the landing gear overstressing, any ideas?)
  10. Hi all! After lurking this thread for a long time I've finally decided to try and build a working helicopter! At first hinges were the problem, but after some research and reverse engineering I managed to get airborne my LAC Galerider Mk VI! There she is, and now some specs: Weight @ takeoff: 53.736kg Liquid Fuel: 4000 Engines: 2x LAC Valor Mk 22 Parts: 204 Mods: none Recomended Mods: Take Command Pilots: 2 (+drone core for kerbal-less flying) Action Groups: -0: detach rotors -1: toggle engines -2: toggle power boost Cruise Speed: 20 m/s Top Speed Recorded: 30.9 m/s For her engines i took inspiration from EpicSpaceTroll139 's Titan Mk 2, but I built them myself (learning a lot in the process btw), and as hinges I used Majorjim's thermometer hinge (this one too built from the ground up). She's still not perfect (far from that) but I'm having so much fun building and flying around
  11. I'm working on another craft for this challenge... are we allowed to enter twice in the same category?
  12. here's my entry craft name: ESE VTOL Talon II vertical engines: 4x J-33 Wheesley horizontal engines: 2x J-X4 Whiplash crew: 1 pilot, up to 6 passengers in the cargo area liquid fuel: 1960 oxidizer: 44 generator: small fuel cell mods: stock (i used KER for TWR) aero: stock category: Division 1 - Basic Certification description: I use this craft to recover stranded kerbals around the KSC continent, up to 6 in normal operations and up to 7 in emergency (flying using the probe core). fully fueled, its max speed is about 185 m/s, with a TWR using vertical engines of about 1.2, quite manouvrable and it can go up to 4x physic warp without problems. a couple of notes: - I did this in career mode, but I forgot I had not upgraged the administration building, I still had level 1, without helipad... as you can see in the last shots I tried to gently land on the square building but the craft destroyed it - I deleted the screenshot with F3 if you want I can retry the challenge in sandbox trying not to delete the F3 screenshot
  13. I'm having some problems with repulsors again... since last mod update, as soon as i stage the pylons some random repulsors wil shut off saying "Low charge" and obviously my pod crashed to the ground... do you know what might cause this? I have more than 2 generator per repulsor, each engine nacelle has its own batteries and generators, and the resource panel always shows lot of EC stored... even strager is that after a repulsor shut down, I can sometimes set its height to 100 again (it goes to 0) and when I press "Apply" it revives for a few seconds before dying again
  14. I think the extra drag is not that much, but using a command chair adds another problem while driving: during landings after jumps, even if the pod survives, the pilot might be knocked out of the pod (usually with bad results for the poor kerbal )... and command chairs are cool!
  15. Not bad, i've got to try reducing repulsors' strength! Can i build a new podracer and try again?
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