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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I think I figured it out. Don't have the MM .dll file in the general KSP folder as well as in the game data folder, or it freezes. remove the /gamedata one and leave the /ksp one and it works fine.
  2. Weirdly, I installed it on install #2 using Tinkertime and it loaded no problem. Maybe the problem is how CKAN was installing it... will check more thoroughly this evening.
  3. Well that didn't help at all. However, the clever guy who suggested I open debug while it was loading (didn't know you could even do that) might have helped. got this grab when it got stuck. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hlf5lv9eorkb25e/screenshot.png?dl=0
  4. MM DLL is the one pulled by CKAN, version 2.5.8 I believe. As for the install directory, this is a Steam install, so it kind of goes where it goes. In previous versions I had MM installed with no problems, and mods that use MM (such as KAS) worked flawlessly as well. If it were a security issue I would think that Windows would expressly be giving me a hard time about it though, no?
  5. I installed ATM first and let it do its thing, then tried to install MM on an install with ATM already enabled (e.g. all of the time consuming compression completed). MM hung the computer for three hours before I gave up. CPU usage was hovering around 4-5%. I don't remember the precise memory usage, but it was well short of the 3.7gb mark.
  6. Module Manager appears to be consistently freezing my game load. Any mod I install with module manager (or MM itself without any mods) freezes the game on load. Game otherwise runs fine with other non MM dependent mods, and stock as well. this is x32 ksp running on x64 win 7. only mod installed is active texture management at the moment (only mod active at least, everything else is disabled). https://www.dropbox.com/s/aiuzr61xclk17kt/output_log.txt?dl=0 (output.log)
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