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Everything posted by space55

  1. I have to say, you sir have managed to create an amazing mod. I know how darn useful it can be to have some sort of docking indicator (especially in rotation). However, I do have a suggestion. As this mod (largely) supports graphical docking, i.e. not having to use numbers for any indicators except distance, it's very helpful. However, what if distance had an indicator as well? I was thinking (feel free to build upon this) of a circle that would be at a set size at a set distance, and slowly shrink to center as you get closer. As an idea, maybe 10-20 meters for the circle to have the same diameter as the indicator window, and then down to essentially nothing at ~1 meter? Just throwing out ideas... Anyway, thanks for creating such a great mod. Keep up the good work!
  2. Hello So, my game crashes a lot. I went to look at the KSP.log file, and found the following line spammed 360,213 times. I counted. With the Notepad++ count option. What, you think I'm going to count those by hand? NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.Update () and NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object JSI.JSIVariableAnimator.LateUpdate () Anyone have any clue? I've uploaded the logs below if anyone is able to help me with my crash on reverting to VAB, Launch, SPH, going to the space center, or just about anything that has to do with leaving my doomed vehicle. Or if they want to see the exception spam. Thanks! KSP.log: http://www.This website cannot be used on these forums/download/19885mz572a9z1a/KSP.log Two-million line long output_log.txt: http://www.This website cannot be used on these forums/view/42301q7c31bkgk2/output_log.txt Mods.ckan file: http://www.This website cannot be used on these forums/download/7494b6d3vghb8ur/mods.ckan
  3. Hello, everyone! I'm one of those absolute geniuses who is running dozens of mods on KSP x64. Yeah. My game boots fine, however, if I click on the launch pad, it hangs, then crashes to desktop. I've tried looking through my KSP log, but all I found were a whole bunch of ModuleRCS.FixedUpdate() errors... I've attached the KSP log. Any ideas as to the cause of the crash? P.S. I have active texture management aggressive. I have a feeling that this is a memory issue, but I don't have a clue of how to boot into x32 mode. Thanks! Update: Now it crashes if you go from the launch pad to the VAB. Any ideas? Log: [URL]http://www./download/19885mz572a9z1a/KSP.log[/URL]
  4. Here's my theory. It almost has to be true, but I've not found anything. So, y'know the Duna transmission? That was being played on Duna, with the background noise from the game being played, ambient noise, etc. That'll static it up a bit. Being a little bit of a game dev/programmer, inside KSP's code/files, there HAS to be the plain OGG file for the beeps. I found it at one point, but skipped past it, and then my brain realized I skipped past it and couldn't find it. I know that it was static-ed by the maker (Nova, I believe), but possibly we could find a slightly clearer version in the game files. I link to THIS closed thread, since they found quite a few interesting things and had a few interesting theories, possibly we could build off of it and create more! I understand that the actual Duna transmission was actually part of something larger that was never implemented, but the dev who created the signal never released the original unstaticed photo. Let's try to get it! Also, it's been said that the signal will be played beyond 10 exameters (1019 meters, or 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 meters (not quite sure on the math there...)) from Kerbol. Anyone want to try that? I'm going to once I have access to my main PC. Lastly, since the full "prior race" thing was never implemented, we should try to make a community mod for it possibly! How's that sound? This is probably a more of a long term project, but all I'm really doing is writing a bunch of chaff for you guys to ignore then come up with your own ideas for.
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