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Posts posted by amankd

  1. Just now, Gargamel said:

    Isn't the steam controller just a fancy game pad?   Why not just get a cheap game pad for use in non steam games?

    its a fancy game pad with total key control and gyrosopic input and (for ksp) automatic transition from binding modes as you trasnition around the game  from editor to flight and map ect, a game pad would be even more bother than its worth especially for playing over the steamlink, it does mostly work with any game, ive been playing bf1 and titanfall with it but im after thant native support since i dont want to spend several days expeirnenting and configureing it when squad has already done so


  2. im looking to play ksp oiver my steamlink to downstairs and to do so i will need steam controller compatability, when i got the game some 3 or 4 years ago i didnt have steam and so never used it but i now use it lots, i read on the steam formums that ksp has native steam controler support for the steam version, is this in the non steam version? if not is there any way i can get the plugin that allows it? thanks


  3. On 07/09/2017 at 5:12 PM, Spartwo said:

    Any possibility of smaller cities? I love the cities but the size isn't as suitable for towns and villages. I might try myself to cut them in half and quarter.

    unfortunatly i kinda fell out of ksp for a while and i was never able to properly do the roads and the dev who i was working with wasnt able to spare the time, i do inten=d to pick it up and models wise i have every size city from a 100x100 up to a 1.5kmx1.5km city scape ready to impliment and place i just lack the time to place them and to link them up adequatly, i do hope that if i get back into ksp i will be able to give this mod the justice it deserves and maybe be able to find some people to aid in its development by populating the planet with the various cities as a precursour to connecting them via roads as planned who knows 

    On 22/04/2017 at 1:09 PM, AtleSt said:

    is it just me that has noticed the floating building in the city?

    yea just an incy wincy little bug where i forgot to deleate the model from the spawner


  4. In editor in the sphere it would be easy just walk on a planar floor at the height you can reach the full volume of the sphere, in the van it would need a scroll system to move up and down the van, in flight the only tricky part would be binding control keys, maybe the ability to use a controller as a joystick with the trigger pressed? Or maybe use of the trackpad as a d pad, can use the grip buttons to throttle up and down and maybe a menus on one hand for action groups and other in flight functions

    Thing is I can see pretty much all of how it would work in game but can't see where to start to implement it lol

  5. 7 hours ago, eddiew said:

    Question 1 for KSP in VR: you are in the VAB, looking at a rocket you are building. You turn your head to the right. What is the correct thing for the game to show you and what value is added by it being VR?

    (I agree with Red Iron Crown above, I can't read your question in its current format so I've assumed it's yet another thread about VR in KSP. There are many.)

    ever used tilt brush? full 3d painting software, you might look away from the craft but you can then move around it (either by walking or teleporting, the vab is already a manifold shape so there are no exta models so you just get to walk around and through you model to build it, none of this heavy mouse work to be able to see a specific bit to attach you just more around it easy like, for external flight is the only place it is less useful but you would still be able to move around the craft inflight even albeit somewhat dissembodied


  6. Im currently working with my university that has 10 HTC Vives for development work at the immersive media observatory, it is designed for alternate approaches to teaching using vr, there is already an educational KSP but how about a VR tsp, I can see what changes need to be made to the ui beyond just gead trakcing, it would need the unity VRTK integrated and the menus re-working for motion control compatibility then it would need the ability to walk (and teleport) around the VAB/ SPH with a height scroll in the vab but other than that a very tiltbrushesque interface with a left hand scroll wheel selector to browse menus and a right hand pointer to select parts with mebe a left to right to browse categories and up down to search in subdirectories then a point select with the right hand via the trigger which spawns the part on the end of your hand, the ability to freely rotate it is important too before then snapping, needs the ability to select offset and rotate tools for which you should be able to reach in and grab the dials to adjust, after that all that is left is to make sure general flight is not nausea-inducing, other than that the ability to check staging maybe on one hand and stage its part with a button press, in IVA its pretty much there already, its simple mouse movement but maybe a  bit of depth movement by freeing up the camera movement a bit/possible integration with the free iva if that is working reliably, I'm pretty sure I can test and make all this work and my uni will support it as it is regarding enhanced teaching but I have no idea where to start with ripping into the ksp UI and/or whether it needs a total rebuild or whether a simple overlay would do, also gotta look at making sure you can get full 3d which is proabbly the easiest bit tbh. I'm looking for any help and support that could get this project on the road and/or someone with some ksp plugin experience since i have none bar part modding, thanks for any help you can lend and I look forward to this ever becoming a reality!


  7. On 20/10/2016 at 8:44 PM, Beetlecat said:

    I'd love to get those lateral-opening landing gear working again. Between them, and Adjustable Landing Gear, my craft need them, badly! :)

    i know thouse feels but i still havent gotten wheels sussed in u 5 yet


  8. On 05/10/2016 at 11:24 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

    Hi, even though I've tried out the mod I couldn't tell, is the model 1 model?  as in no detached parts apart from colliders? or is it many different models assembled into a prefab? if it's the latter I believe it would be the draw calls for each mesh that slow the loading etc. (and something that could be improved upon quite easily)  Still a great idea and mod all the same :)


    it should be a single mesh, but you know unity and its mesh colliderrs, it has to be broken down for the ability to apply mnesh colliders, in this case ever material is a seperate mesh, which depending on the city may or may not be subdevided upon import into unity into smaller meshes that can have a mesh collider applied to them

  9. 3 minutes ago, maculator said:

    That construction port looks really nice. Will you publish it as a standalone? I'm following your mods with interrest but prefer to play as stock as possible. But those ports they'd come in pretty handy.

    Great work I'll at least give this one a test run in sandbox, I'm amazed.


    then literally install it and deleate all the parts appart from the port


  10. 15 hours ago, Squishydoo said:

    fantastic mod. i think that the performance hit is from the stony texture on the buildings, and the rendering for the sandpapery effect makes it lag. 

    also, on a request side, can I i has a road to the pirate base? and a "jets retreat" on top of those mountains behind the KSC?

    well done and keep it up

    The performance hit is entirely polycount based, not the textures, textures actually have very little effect

  11. posted the above without noticing this was my own thread lol, so ya, retrofuture is updated, in that i have run the game with all the parts included in the pack as it stands and have found them all to be working, wheels are still an issue so have been removed, even for 1.2, other issues im working on and may correct themselves as i methodically work through each part re passing through the later unity engine, thanks to the .mu blender plugin i have access to all the models so i am able to modify them (yay!) which means i can add to the pack instead of just maintaining it, so please, any additional parts (i know i want to expand the functtionality of the larger parts, maby add a different style of large pod ect,) in the mean time i will be working on figuring wheels out for the later version that this is in the hopes of being able to hjave the full mod pack, but please any ideas or outstanding bugs please post them here!


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