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Everything posted by Zamorakphat

  1. I'm having issues with the VAB / SPH. The issue being I run the pack fine everywhere else but the VAB / SPH. I have no other mods installed. I drop to 1 fps. I tried maxing out my settings and then making them as low as possible. Neither helped me out. Anyone else have this issue?
  2. I just wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done with your mod. You have allowed us to begin working on initial ship designs for the official multiplayer. Your probably the best modder out there! :D

    Thanks a bunch.


  3. I found a neat tutorial you might want to check out. It shows how to model and texture. The guy has an accent that is hard to understand but he does a great job covering most questions new modders might have. I highly recommend watching it. aXLEq6GVJ&index=1
  4. A little "mod" I made for Kerbal Space Program. 100 years ago this month was the Fokker Scourge on the Western Front. I kind of made this Flag pack in the light of that. I also added aircraft roundels and made transparent versions of each. Goes great with the Flag Decals Mod by StarVision2893 Propellers added by Kerbal Aircraft Expansion by imaketheparts. KAX: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/221780-kerbal-aircraft-expansion-kax Link: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/222813-flag-decals-v2-3 Link to My Flag Pack: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/232520-kerbal-world-war-flags Some images of me using them. I don't own any of the images on the flags. The images belong to their respective owners. I simply resized them. Hope everyone enjoys!
  5. Congrats dude! Hope I can become a software developer one day too!
  6. Looking to build a gaming PC for games in Alpha. Budget is in the 500-600 U.S dollar range. Need to squeeze as much power into that budget as possible. Thanks! -Zamorakphat
  7. Hello, my name is Zamorakphat. I am a veteran of KSP and I love running my own servers! I hope one day when KSP Is multi-player that I can host a server on there too! Thanks for reading!
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