Hey guys, Love the mod. Im actually playing with my friends now, didn't think that would happen for a long time yet, if ever..... Anyway, a few noob questions is I may. I havent been ably to find answers in anything ive been able to read online Q1 I am admining a server and i am trying to use the commands in the wiki. I type them in the console and they say they are "transmitting" and then they appear in the chat. Is there something special I have to do with them to mark them as a command. Q2. How do I make someone an admin, and what does being an admin mean. I know you can issue commands from chat but is that all, or is there more to it? Q3. How do you spectate a ship. Do i simply select it in the tracking station and hit the fly button while someone else is flying it? Something else? Thanks in advance.