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Everything posted by Toastedbuns

  1. Wow! That was a really quick and easy fix! I feel silly now. Thank you!
  2. First day on the forums and I'm already having troubles. I'm building a munar outpost for my hard career mode save and I just made my first two ship mission. First ship is the base and it's landing engines (dual LV-909s with enough fuel to land the thing and nothing else) Second ship is the command ship, built with a hefty amount of fuel and a single LV-N to push the thing and it's payload to the Mun, undock it, and head back to reunite with Mission Control. I docked the two successfully in low orbit but for some reason I can't access my maneuver nodes! I mouse over the orbit, click, target and untarget the moon but they don't pop up! 2 things, I am controlling from my command ship pod, and I do have maneuver nodes unlocked Here are a couple pictures...
  3. Danny is definitely my favourite for just pure wackiness and stupidity, his videos always get me laughing just because of how ridiculous they are. Scott is great for just doing Kerbal in general and being just knowledgeable and 'good' at it in general.
  4. Hellooooo everyone. I speak for everyone here when I say this game is hook, line and sinker. The first couple hours spent were definitely used adjusting to the learning curve, with my first rocket smashing into the launch pad because I staged my chutes wrong, killing poor Jeb. But now after a good 90 hours I can say I'm finally getting into the swing of things, I'm going interplanetary with a planned Duna mission, I'm getting pretty good and docking and rendezvous and I've blown through so many quicksaves I've lost count. I hope my time here sparks up some good discussion and maybe I can help players still struggling with the things that I now have come to be familiar with! Anywho, glad to be aboard!
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