I did find it a bit jarring that idle kerbals on EVAs just stand there like they're at attention. In the older versions, I didn't see a need to have more than one kerbal out on an EVA since there was barely enough for one kerbal to do, but now that they have specialties there's more of a gameplay emergent reason to do so. I see two potential levels of idle kerbal behavior: Idle animations. These should be the easiest to implement; a given kerbal stands in place and looks around, picks up rocks, looks up at the sky, plays with his suit, and does other cute little things. Maybe even they occasionally jump in place. Some of these could be context-specific. Looking up at Kerbal with an expression of awe would make sense on the Mun, but not so much on Duna. If within a certain radius of a flag, they could salute, and so on. AI wandering. This is where kerbals wander around. I don't like this option because there's a lot of dangerous terrain in the Kerbol system, and the last thing I need on a mission is to have my pilot wander into the Mohole. It would require pathfinding, slope detection (so they don't walk off a cliff), and take up processor power to handle something you might not be looking at. One feature might be to have them magically jetpack back to where the player last put them if their altitude or position changes too rapidly without using up propellant. Wandering off a cliff and jetpacking back up is a very kerbal thing to do. So that they don't get squished by moving craft, having them run tangent to the motion of an object approaching them would be appropriate. That's assuming a surface EVA. A flying EVA is a whole other matter. Little things like waving are okay but I wouldn't have them change positions by themselves. Two things could happen there: the player wouldn't notice, or it would inconvenience the player. Having a kerbal tumble in space while the player isn't controlling him is fine, as long as he stops when the player resumes control.